Interstitial Cystitis Association
Interstitial Cystitis Association
Interstitial cystitis support group and discussion community
Jun 15, 2019 • 5:39 PM
I’ve stopped having sex with penetration because it always leads to an awful infection and flare that lasts for weeks or months. This is even with taking Macrobid before and after, urinating and bathing immediately after sex. So then we tried just external stimulation which I was hoping would not cause a flare. Unfortunately it does. I’m feeling very frustrated as it seems no sex at all is the only option at this point to remain physically healthy.
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Jun 15, 2019 • 10:06 PM
Mfoglia, if you don't mind my asking, would you be either entering or in menopause years? That sounds like an unrelated question, but changes during that time can lead to bladder/ut issues as well as UTI's for many women (like me.) If you'd like more info about that, I'd be happy to share. ~Cookie
0 ReactionsJun 15, 2019 • 11:04 PM
In reply to cookiesandtea4me's comment
Hi Cookie,
Thanks for your reply. I’m not menopausal yet. I could be perimenopausal as I’m 47. But I still get my periods, strong as ever every month like clockwork. I just met with my gynecologist and she didn’t think I needed to make any changes yet regarding hormones. (I’ve been on the same birth control since age 16).
Jun 16, 2019 • 3:00 AM
In reply to Mfoglia's comment
Hi Mfoglia,
That's so good you're talking with your gyn about hormones and possible changes down the road! I went thru menopause at 43, and it was totally off my radar that E affects ut / pelvic area health until UTI's and painful intimacy started happening and I went in to see my gyn for an exam.
Just a thought that birth control may not have been an issue over the years, but if peri-menopause is becoming a possibility, perhaps fluctuations or slight decline in E levels might enter in and interact with birth control being taken.(?) The reason it comes to mind is that the progestins / progesterone in most birth control products compete for cell receptors that estradiol needs to function, and bladder/ut areas are dependent upon adequate E to keep from thinning / becoming inflamed and developing UTI's. If estrogen level becomes an issue at some point and you'd want to research a bit more, here are a couple of med articles for starters:
UTI's tied to low estradiol:
Research study - how local vaginal estrogen can bring healing:
Jun 16, 2019 • 4:51 PM
I started getting chronic UTIs. You have to have culture WITH SENSITIVITY to see what the organism is (culture) & what will KILL it (sensitivity). I'm taking Methanamine Hippurate (Hiprex) to prevent UTIs -- it won't cure one but PREVENTS them.
P.S. My IC went crazy at 47 when I was still having periods. Ended up getting a hysterectomy I doubt I needed as uro said "no evidence of IC" based on in-office cysto (which was unlikely show anything less than Hunner's) & that my problem was gynecological. Needless to say hysterectomy did NOT fix my problem! And I needed hormones from then on but blew them off after abnormal cells excised from breast & now back on hormones, but topical. Such a cascade of mess from one uro who THOUGHT he knew about IC!
Jun 16, 2019 • 7:04 PM
In reply to retiredwriter's comment
Thanks for sharing, I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that. So frustrating.....
0 ReactionsJun 16, 2019 • 7:07 PM
In reply to cookiesandtea4me's comment
Thank you so much! I will look into those.
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Jun 17, 2019 • 3:50 PM
Hubby and I starting using condoms and that seems to be preventing a flair after intercourse.
1 ReactionsJun 18, 2019 • 12:32 AM
In reply to hansard324's comment
Yes, we’ve started doing that too. Helps a little bit.
0 ReactionsJun 20, 2019 • 3:21 PM
When I did pelvic floor therapy, the therapist told me flares after orgasm can be related to pelvic floor disorders. Have you considered trying that with a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor? It was super successful for me.
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Jun 20, 2019 • 5:04 PM
I have IC and high tone pelvic floor dyfunction. Anything that messes with the muscles like orgasm or diarrhea will cause a flare. And yes, it is very difficult to accept pain as a consequence of sexual pleasure. Pelvic PT gave me some tools like heat, TENs unit, breathing that help a little along with meds but I haven't found a way to avoid pain. We are all a little different so good luck.
2 ReactionsJun 20, 2019 • 10:31 PM
In reply to Kimberlyskach's comment
I’ve never tried that before, but now I will look into it. Thank you
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