Experts Forecast Stock and Bond Returns: 2024 Edition (2024)

Better things lie ahead for bonds, but the prospects for stocks, especially U.S. equities, are less rosy.

Those were the recurring themes among the capital markets assumptions provided by major investment firms as 2023 wound down.

In contrast with the major firms’ capital markets assumptions released toward the end of 2022, when declining equity prices and higher interest rates buoyed the prospects for both stocks and bonds, the 2023 equity market rally diminished most firms’ return assumptions for U.S. stocks. Meanwhile, last year’s continued interest-rate hikes have contributed to higher forward-looking return prospects for bonds and cash. And firms’ outlooks for non-U.S. stocks, a persistent bright spot in my annual compendium, continued to be more robust than their expectations for companies domiciled stateside, thanks largely to foreign stocks’ valuation advantage.

How to Use the Forecasts

Although it’s reasonable to be skeptical about predicting the market’s direction, especially over the short term, the fact is that you need to have some type of return expectation in mind when you’re creating a financial plan. If you can’t plug in a long-term return assumption, it’s tough to figure out how much to save and what sort of withdrawal rate to use once you retire. Long-term historical returns are one option. But at certain points in time—like 2000 or early 2022—they might lead to overly rosy planning assumptions, which in turn might lead you to save too little or overspend in retirement.

To draw some conclusions about what sorts of return assumptions might be reasonable for planning, I have been amalgamating investment firms’ capital markets assumptions at least once a year. Firms use different methodologies to arrive at their capital markets assumptions, but most employ some combination of current dividend yields, valuation, and earnings-growth expectations to guide their equity forecasts. Fixed-income return assumptions are more straightforward given the tight historical correlation between starting yields and returns over the next decade. That explains why you see more uniformity among firms’ fixed-income return expectations, with variations driven largely by time-period differences.

Before you take these or any other return forecasts and run with them, it’s important to bear in mind that these return estimates are more intermediate-term than they are long-term. The firms I’ve included below all prepare capital markets forecasts for the next seven to 10 years, not the next 30. (BlackRock and Vanguard do provide 30-year forecasts as well as 10-year, and Fidelity’s capital markets assumptions apply to a 20-year horizon. But they’re outliers in terms of making such far-reaching forecasts available to the public.) As such, these forecasts will have the most relevance for investors whose time horizons are in that ballpark, or for new retirees who face sequence-of-return risk in the next decade.

It’s also important to note that the parameters for these return estimates vary a bit; some of the return expectations are inflation-adjusted, while others are not.

Expert Forecasts for Long-Term Asset-Class Returns

Experts Forecast Stock and Bond Returns: 2024 Edition (1)


Highlights: 5.2% 10-year expected nominal return for U.S. large-cap equities; 9.9% for European equities; 9.1% for emerging-markets equities; 5.0% for U.S. aggregate bonds (as of September 2023). All return assumptions are nominal (non-inflation-adjusted).

BlackRock’s equity return expectations in September 2023 were quite a bit lower than they were the year prior. For example, the firm was expecting a nearly 9% 10-year return for U.S. equities in September 2022 but just over 5% a year later. The firm’s return assumptions for non-U.S. stocks have also come down since last year but are still notably higher than its U.S. equity return assumptions: nearly 10% for European equities and 9% for emerging-markets equities.

In line with 2023′s rising yields, the firm’s outlook for bond returns increased from 2022. BlackRock’s models call for a 5.0% expected 10-year return from U.S. aggregate bonds versus 4.2% in 2022 and less than 2.0% in 2021.


Fidelity’s capital markets assumptions employ a 20-year horizon (2023-42) and therefore can’t be stacked up neatly against the 10-year returns from other firms in our survey. In addition, the firm states its capital markets assumptions in real (inflation-adjusted) terms; its 2024 base-case inflation rate over the 20-year horizon is 2.7%. Finally, the firm’s assumptions are based on data as of April 30, 2023, so they don’t factor in stocks’ strong gains in the last eight months of 2023.

The firm is forecasting a 3.9% real return for U.S. equities over the next 20 years. That’s higher than Fidelity’s 20-year real return forecast of 3.0% for U.S. stocks last year, but substantially lower than U.S. stocks’ actual real returns of 7.3% since 2003. Fidelity cites elevated equity valuations (again, as of April 2023) as the main constraint on U.S. equity gains relative to their gains over the past 20 years. The firm expects the 20-year real returns on non-U.S. stocks to be roughly in line with U.S. (3.9%), but accords substantially higher return prospects to developing markets—a 5.4% real return over the next 20 years.

On the fixed-income side, the firm was forecasting 2.1% 20-year real returns for the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index as of April 2023.

Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo

Highlights: Negative 2.6% real returns for U.S. large caps over the next seven years; 1.9% real returns for U.S. bonds (as of November 2023).

As one might expect from a valuation-conscious firm after a stock market rally, GMO’s return expectations for stocks generally declined over the past year. The firm is expecting negative 2.6% real returns for U.S. large caps over the next seven years, down from its negative 0.7% real (inflation-adjusted) return forecast in 2023. Consistent with previous forecasts, the firm’s outlook for non-U.S. stocks is brighter than its expectation for U.S. names: The seven-year real return forecast for international large caps is 2.3%; 4.4% for international small-caps; 4.7% for emerging-markets equities; and a whopping 6.3% for emerging-markets value stocks.

The firm’s outlook for bonds looks better than its late-2022 number: a 1.9% real return for U.S. bonds (up from 0.6% in 2022) and a 4.4% real return forecast from emerging-markets bonds.

J.P. Morgan

Highlights: 7.0% nominal returns for U.S. large-cap equities over a 10- to 15-year horizon; 4.6% nominal returns for 10-year Treasury bonds and 5.8% nominal returns for U.S. investment-grade corporate bonds over a 10- to 15-year holding period (as of Sept. 30, 2023).

J.P. Morgan’s expectation for equities’ returns over the next 10 to 15 years declined from its September 2022 numbers: Owing to higher valuations, its forecast for U.S. large caps dropped to 7.0% from 7.9% and to 7.2% from 8.1% for U.S. small caps. The firm’s outlook for non-U.S. equities generally declined, too, though its 10- to 15-year outlook for eurozone equities was a robust 8.0%, and for emerging-markets equities it was 8.9%. More broadly, its equity return projections were higher than most of the firms in our survey.

On the fixed-income side, the firm nudged up return expectations thanks largely to the higher yields on offer today: It’s expecting a 4.6% return from 10-year Treasuries, up from 4.0% last year, and 5.8% nominal returns from U.S. investment-grade corporates, up from 5.5% in late 2022. One exception is that the firm’s expectations for high-risk bond types declined slightly. The firm’s 10- to 15-year forecast for high-yield bonds is 6.5% for 2024, down from 6.8% for 2023, and its forecast for emerging-markets sovereign bonds dropped to 6.8% from 7.1%.

Morningstar Investment Management

Highlights: 4.6% 10-year nominal returns for U.S. stocks; 4.3% 10-year nominal returns for U.S. aggregate bonds (as of Dec. 31, 2023).

Following a major U.S. market rally in 2023, Morningstar Investment Management’s 10-year equity outlook dropped relative to where it was in late 2022. In line with previous years’ assumptions, MIM’s outlook for non-U.S. stocks is substantially better: 7.4% for developed-markets stocks overseas and an impressive 9.5% for emerging-markets equities.

Like most of the forecasts, MIM’s return expectations for bonds have jumped to reflect higher yields. It assumes a 4.3% 10-year nominal return for U.S. aggregate bonds and 5.3% for U.S. high yield.

Research Affiliates

Highlights: 4.0% nominal (1.5% real) returns for U.S. large caps during the next 10 years; 4.8% nominal (2.3% real) returns for U.S. aggregate bonds (as of Dec. 31, 2023; valuation-dependent model).

On the heels of U.S. stocks’ rally in 2023, Research Affiliates’ 10-year U.S. market return expectations declined, from a nearly 6% nominal return projection for U.S. large caps at the end of 2022 to just 4% at year-end 2023. In fact, the firm is expecting U.S. aggregate bonds to outperform stocks over the next decade, and its expected volatility for bonds is also substantially lower. The firm accords a return edge to small-cap stocks: a 7.2% 10-year annualized return. Consistent with past forecasts, the firm is expecting better things from non-U.S. stocks: a 9.0% 10-year annualized return (6.5% real) for developed-markets stocks outside the U.S. and 9.9% (7.4% real) for emerging-markets equities.


Highlights: 6.2% nominal returns for U.S. large caps during the next 10 years; 5.7% nominal returns for U.S. investment-grade bonds (as of Oct. 31, 2023).

Schwab bucked the trend toward lower expected equity returns and nudged up its 10-year return expectation for U.S. stocks as of its most recent forecast, to 6.2% versus 6.1% a year ago. The firm’s outlook for non-U.S. large caps remained in line with last year’s forecast: 7.6%.

In line with the outlook from other investment providers, the firm is forecasting a 5.7% gain in 2024 for U.S. investment-grade bonds, versus 4.9% last year and 2.3% in 2022. (All figures are nominal.) Schwab’s 10-year return expectations are well below each asset class’ returns from 1970 through October 2023.


Highlights: Nominal median U.S. equity market return of 4.2% to 6.2% during the next decade; 4.8%–5.8% median expected return for U.S. fixed income (as of Sept. 30, 2023).

Vanguard’s latest U.S. equity market return forecast is a touch below where it was a year ago. (The firm presents its forecasts in a range.) The new forecast calls for U.S. equity gains of 4.2% to 6.2% over the next decade, versus 4.7% to 6.7% a year ago. Its non-U.S. equity return forecast (7.0%–9.0%) is roughly unchanged and substantially higher than the U.S. return expectation. Vanguard provides sub-asset-class forecasts, too. In its most recent run, its 10-year return forecast for value stocks (4.8%–6.8%) was substantially higher than its outlook for growth names (1.2%–3.2%). The firm is also expecting small-cap stocks to best large caps: The range for the former was 4.9% to 6.9%, versus 4.2% to 6.2% for the latter.

Vanguard’s return expectations for U.S. aggregate bonds are roughly the same as they were a year ago. The firm is expecting better returns—albeit with higher volatility—from lower-quality bonds: a range of 6.3% to 7.3% for U.S. high-yield bonds and 6.4% to 7.4% for emerging-markets bonds.

Where to Find Stocks to Buy in 2024

After 2023's market rally, there are fewer opportunities for stock investors today. Here's where to look.

10m 43s

The author or authors do not own shares in any securities mentioned in this article.Find out about Morningstar’s editorial policies.

Experts Forecast Stock and Bond Returns: 2024 Edition (2024)


What is the stock market prediction for 2024? ›

The Big Money bulls forecast that the Dow Jones Industrial Average will end 2024 at about 41,231, 9% higher than current levels. Market optimists had a mean forecast of 5461 for the S&P 500 and 17,143 for the Nasdaq Composite —up 9% and 10%, respectively, from where the indexes were trading on May 1.

What is the outlook for bonds in 2024? ›

As inflation finally seems to be coming under control, and growth is slowing as the global economy feels the full impact of higher interest rates, 2024 could be a compelling year for bonds.

What is the financial market outlook for 2024? ›

We expect monetary policy to become increasingly restrictive in real terms in 2024 as inflation falls and offsetting forces wane. The economy will experience a mild downturn as a result. This is necessary to finish the job of returning inflation to target.

What is the stock market prediction for the next 5 years? ›

Thus, we expect growth to eventually slow to 1.4% in terms of an annual average number in 2025, before accelerating again in 2026 through 2028 on the back of eventual Fed rate cuts. Now inflation, we do expect inflation to essentially return to normal this year. Our latest forecast is 2.2% for full-year 2024.

Will 2024 be a bull or bear market? ›

With stock indexes at all-time highs, it seems we are in the midst of a new bull market. While much of the market's recent gains have come from a handful of stocks, the rally has begun to broaden in recent months. Expectations of an earnings rebound in 2024 suggest earnings could continue to drive the market higher.

What is the stock market outlook for 2025? ›

Analysts expect S&P 500 profits to jump 8% in 2024 and 14% in 2025 after subdued growth last year, data compiled by BI show. The earnings forecast could be even higher next year in the event of zero rate cuts in 2024, said Andrew Slimmon, portfolio manager at Morgan Stanley Investment Management.

Will I bond go up in May 2024? ›

May 1, 2024. Series EE savings bonds issued May 2024 through October 2024 will earn an annual fixed rate of 2.70% and Series I savings bonds will earn a composite rate of 4.28%, a portion of which is indexed to inflation every six months. The EE bond fixed rate applies to a bond's 20-year original maturity.

Is now a good time to invest in bonds? ›

Answer: Now may be the perfect time to invest in bonds. Yields are at levels you could only dream of 15 years ago, so you'd be locking in substantial, regular income. And, of course, bonds act as a diversifier to your stock portfolio.

Should you sell bonds when interest rates rise? ›

If bond yields rise, existing bonds lose value. The change in bond values only relates to a bond's price on the open market, meaning if the bond is sold before maturity, the seller will obtain a higher or lower price for the bond compared to its face value, depending on current interest rates.

What are the economists predictions for 2024? ›

Economic growth is projected to slow in 2024 amid increased unemployment and lower inflation. CBO expects the Federal Reserve to respond by reducing interest rates, starting in the middle of the year. In CBO's projections, economic growth rebounds in 2025 and then moderates in later years.

What is the best investment in 2024? ›

Overview: Best investments in 2024
  1. High-yield savings accounts. Overview: A high-yield online savings account pays you interest on your cash balance. ...
  2. Long-term certificates of deposit. ...
  3. Long-term corporate bond funds. ...
  4. Dividend stock funds. ...
  5. Value stock funds. ...
  6. Small-cap stock funds. ...
  7. REIT index funds.

What is the investor outlook for 2024? ›

We continue to forecast about 4% average 2024 GDP growth for emerging markets worldwide, led by growth of about 5% for emerging Asia. We anticipate growth of 2%–2.5% for emerging Europe and Latin America, though U.S. growth could have positive implications for Mexico and all of Latin America.

Will stocks go back up in 2024? ›

As a whole, analysts are optimistic about the outlook for stock prices in 2024. The consensus analyst price target for the S&P 500 is 5,090, suggesting roughly 8.5% upside from current levels.

What is the Dow prediction for 2024? ›

The agency forecasted Dow Jones will close in 2024 at 38818 points. The updated Dow Jones price prediction for the next 5 years is for the index to trade around 45,000 points.

Is 2024 a good year to buy stocks? ›

Economists agree — 2024 may be a strong year for U.S. stocks. The S&P 500 rose 24% in 2023, according to MarketWatch, and recently crossed the 5,000 mark, according to Barron's. This year, we may see a “stock-pickers paradise,” according to Savita Subramanian, head of equity and quant strategy for Bank of America.

What is the target stock price forecast for 2024? ›

Target Stock Price Forecast 2024-2025

The forecasted Target price at the end of 2024 is $207 - and the year to year change +45%. The rise from today to year-end: +29%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $168.

What is the expected return of the stock market in the next 10 years? ›

Highlights: 5.2% 10-year expected nominal return for U.S. large-cap equities; 9.9% for European equities; 9.1% for emerging-markets equities; 5.0% for U.S. aggregate bonds (as of September 2023). All return assumptions are nominal (non-inflation-adjusted).

What is the projection for the S&P 500 in 2024? ›

The estimates from strategists put the median target for the S&P 500 at 5,200 by the end of 2024, implying a decline of less than 1% from Friday's level, according to MarketWatch calculations. Heading into 2024, the median target was around 5,000 (see table below).

What is fastly stock price prediction for 2024? ›

According to our current FSLY stock forecast, the value of Fastly shares will drop by -4.95% and reach $ 8.18 per share by May 27, 2024. Per our technical indicators, the current sentiment is Bearish while the Fear & Greed Index is showing 39 (Fear).

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