The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

THE BOSTON GT.OBE FRIDAY. JUNE 9. 1905. Burial in In Congregational church. I Mr wollMtoa NMon.

The Globe AHEAD OF A reception wan tendered Qranrl Com-nandor Vlttell of the Knight of Maita LATEST Woodbury Talks About the Hair WHAT WOULD YOU TAKE FOR YOUR HAIR? How Much Honey I at t.reemee.i nan lift mgnt tv mrtnrv. of the local commander) After addres--ea and a mimical and vocal concert a strawberry supper wan served. No new cases of diphtheria were ie- THE SEASON K.rled to tne board or health thla morn- a. and the authorltiaa think the has reached ita limit. One case of scarlet fever waa reported to the i 1 an 4-Un.

6:30 O'CLOCK board JjUSClUUS riUit 111 CLIO man i i i mi urunKrnnMI yea 1 teniay afternoon waa released during mar 1 J. the evening under the new law. Fa-' MflrkPl bian Lukkcnon waa also itmii mat nvn. Jll llllllIBl'5Sli drunkenness, but an there were two records against him within a year he waa brought Into court thin mnrnliu KnWAriff wm d- nous, peaches and Ckerrtes. Thi host.

Rnuantum W.n... I IUIHU IMUUIH-W uuw iv and Quincy yacht dubs will hold an Interclub race off the Quincy clubhouse tomorrow afternoon. DORCHESTER TO CELEBRATE Its 275th Anniversary Comes Tomorrow. But Pricesare Rattier High, 1 it i hi Would Tempt You to Let Some One Pot on Your Head Something That Would Leave You Bald-Disfigured? KethiBc WoaU Tesipt Tom. If Toa Oeagbt Same BaSas 8teauag tee Braids of a Teas Qirl Yoa'd Feel Like Doug Ha Groat Bodily VtelaBoa (Per sap Tom're Bead of Mea Who Wsatealy 8aip Off tb Hair of Yooag Oirla 7) Every moment there are little at work on YOl'K hair.

Quietly, unknown to yoa. they are off hair after hair not OtTSlPE. as do mere brute men. bat away down under the akin so I bat tit hairs they nip tu root oat ran grow agala. TVh.r are Ten Wu to protect yourself Probably ootblng.

yoar hair lanlorklly far yen) rtoeat BM iM It 'a mt off at It. bae br little EKM rnfflan And thooaands bair are gone before you know tbe genua hare bees ar work. a cruel aha me to let thr crowning glory Its tare ga.e ya like thla. Man worn. -take art ton NOW to (top the ravage of hair Death: PHASE OF NEW DRUNK LAW.

Prisoner Who Had Been Released on Green Corn and Melons Bail During the Night is Obliged Plenty of Good Beef. to Plead to Charge. In the Somerville court this morning MonaitiiVisib I Jm Judge Went worth made the ruling that any one arrested for drunkenness, who Never has a better variety been seen In tbe fruit and vegetable stalls at this time of year. Away ahead of time have Parade in the Afternoon Will Open Celebration. Is admitted to ball during the night.

Is not subject to any of the provisions of come fine plums, cherries, green corn. the new drunk law and must be ar peaches, canteloupes. melons, huckle raigned In court. Ilia ruling was made In the case of berries and blackberries. All these ar tides, however, are so scarce that deal, era are not displaying them extensively "mill Martin Peterson, who was arrested last evening by patrolman Heron on Broad and way.

Peterson was driving a two-horse hiuh. and was not in a condition to The melons are bringing, for the very beat. 20 and 36 cents apiece. Tha smull- Literary Exercises Sports to Follow. handlej his charge.

When the patrol-m in ha we ned upon the scene the horses er ones are to be bad for 10 and Typewriter cents apiece. The cherries are from were running away. Late In the evening Peterson was ad California. Tbev are high. 35 and 40 mltted and when his case came cents a pound.

The peaches, of course. up this morning probation officer 11- A tVBXL BRET ACrjTVE THAT LOWERS THE RECORD. Gentlemen and race horses dews happen, they're bred, and the best bred lowers the record; rarr. -a off tha honors. There a nothing erratic la tha breeding It la simply earned far ward in the case of the hone and pro.

ceeos from generation to gene rauja In the Instance of the man, on wad established principles. The Monarch Visible, neither boraa come high. 60 cents a dosen being asked; while the top notch price of ft a llam D. liayden recommended his release without arraignment. Inasmuch as be had not been arrested before within a year, u'ld was a person ordinarily of The arrangements for the celebration tomorrow of the 275th anniversary of the settlement of Dorchester have been completed by the committees of the city government and the historical association that have the affair In charge.

The celebration will consist of a pa- dosen Is asked for plums. The few watermelons in tbe market bring 11 writ ere gntid hatdts and was steadily employed. Capt Perry objected to the nrummrn dalion. on the ground that the defend nor man. is ice Dear.

-D red rnt was neither In the custody of the tne typewriter paddock or the writing machine family, it lowers tha I rale. literary exercises, sailing regatta. rdlre nor of the probation officer, and The green corn Is not extra good and la very high. too. 50 rents a dosen being asked.

There are no native strawberries yet. but thev are daily txpected. The canteloupes bring up to 13 a dosen. Hot-bouse tomatoes arc of superb qualltv. but they bring the high price of 75 as a consequence could not avail him self cf the provisions or the new Judge Wentworth sustained Capt cents a basket.

Other tomatoes are cheaper and are very good. String beans It wears the crown. Ever' good tysaL writer principle approved by thlrt years of use has been bred into it raj. gather with new features that ghw it the winning record. The Monarch Visible Typewrl proves its good breeding by Ita.

FINB FAMILY The men wo hare produced it have been Identified Ma the typewriter business for over twenty yare; FRANK. OPEN COt'NTENAXCsV. Keeping in full view every letter ana nave not been better ror years miin this time. They never sold better either. Sweet potatoes are coming In in verv small invoices.

Perry contention, and held that ain't. Peterson was admitted to hall he was given into the custody of his bondsman, who bound himself to produce the defendant not to the police, but to the court. He held that as a result Peterson was in the custody of the court, and must be arraigned. Pettrson was then produced and. pleading guilty to the charge, paid a fine of $5.

The nrst swordflsh of tbe season has arrived. Very fine Penobscot salmon is in the market. It brings 3S cents a THE CCRIOCS HISTORY OVA BATTLE WITH A WRONG START. Everybody wants a "visible typewriter." a typewriter so constructed that you can see what you are writing while you are writing It. A very small portion of the public buy "visible" machines, because they cannot get good ones In tbe matter of typewriter mechanism.

Tbe wrong start In making "visible" typewriters began from the ignorance of the mechanicians and promoters of the primitive form of these machines, regarding the development of typewriter mechanism of the past. In other words, they did not know tha strong points and tho Weak points of typewriter construction which the under-atroke machines had learned through thirty years of experience. Of course, at the very beginning of typewriter manufacture. sav. thirty-five, years ago.

when the Western Klectrto Co. first made machines and called them "Shoales and Glldden" typewriters, the typebar had to be guided at the printing point. But typewriter construction soon outgrew this unme-chantcal method, after the bearings of the typebar were perfected: a guide became unnecessary and was left off. Now the wrong atart on the part of the primitive forms of "visible typewriters consisted In this, that they started with guides in order to correct' faults of defective bearings. The vertical slot-guide heretofore used In the primitive form of front strike writing machines falls as a guide to keep the side bars In alignment, on account of Imierfect typebar bearings.

The Monarch Visible Is the ftVrf typewriter to write In full sight without any bars, rods or other mechanism to obstruot the vision. It Is the enly typewriter to utilise. In a front strike form, the patented, perfected, broad, pivotal, frlctlonlesa typebar bearings that have been so successfully used In typewriter construction In the past. The Monarch Visible gives the operator perfect visibility; and accessibility of writing. The Monarch Visible atarta righL pound.

There are plenty of butter ilsh at the stalls, all from the Cape. Cod line or the writing. This, la language, la "Visible Writing Xhe Typewriter of the Present and of the Future All of the writing is visible all of the time You see without looking. No bars, no rods obstruct the vision. Monarch Typewriter Co.

12 Milk oid Sooth Buiidier. Boston, Mass. General Offices and Factory: Syracuse, New tl.lnk it t.ruial to snip oil g.ria' long le- that will the ac-tln. a parent br thus athletic games and band concerts and fireworks In th. evening.

The committee on parade last evening voted to have the line form in Kdward Everett sm at o'clock and to stnxt at 2. The chief marshal will be Francis A. Dove, a well-knBrn Grand Army and military His chief of staff will be Forest. If. Stowelt of the 1st heavy artillery.

MVM. The procession will move in this order: Mounted police. Krarole a. In. hlef marshal.

I'nreat II St. rblef of ataff. Poat IB. A. band.

I'oat tSS. II. A. K. amp jo.

S. of V. t'amp 74. of V. lnim corps.

Dndley srhool adets. Sons of the t'nlon. iiesfa In earrlages. Cambridge rlly band In barge. -heater geutlrmeir driving rlub.

Leaving Kdward Kverett si the parade will pass aiding Columbia road boulevard. Har.crx-k. Bowdolu and Adams Ms to the First church. Meeting House Hill, where a brief historical ndilte and haddock are both cheap and plen STRONG CONSTITUTION what w. ou tnugli rnt tiful today.

There are a few engiisn of best material, beat wer LET hid furhot to he had for 13 cents a poun.1. COLUMBIA HALL LICENSE. best act ones to produce beet resaltsi LONO LIFE LIXE-Due to its dsn Re. i nnaDoer has become scarce and dtaflgnred. You.

now that yon KNOW what i happen Inr. are quite a unjust to nnleai costs more than for the past three aoie construction ana its broad, frtctlonlees. Dlvetal weeks. yon art roi'A To stop inese mite uair There are a few Cape scup In the PERFECT PROPORTION -1 n.ark.t fct 10 ctnts a round Spanish some and businesslike In appearaas mackerel ar running good. Lobsters nui uiar wr vuu.

are not so plentiful as last week and a I John Williams Calls at City Hall and Learns it Has Not Been Revoked. John Williams, who holds a license to conduct dancing In Columbia hall, complained to Capt O'Lator of police station 5 today that an officer from that station notified him early this morning that he must dose his hall. When are two cents higher. There is very little doing in the try and game line. The law Is on all shore birds, such as plover, peep and snipe.

The ooll seems to be for squabs. flaw tnat are working at tne rr.i i your eerr hair. Look at Tour rorob romb out roar hrah. Do yoa think your hair waa INTENDED to come ut an It dec; t'ertamly NOT. But you must take TAKE of It.

ETen regetahlee are kllleil Iv weeds and pesta nnW CARED for. 1 your head of lew value to T' than a hill of potatoes to the fartrer'- So? Then giTe It at leant as kll'CH attention a he gives I. Is potatoea. What Ttm; the Tital toint. llu: tirst one DON'T.

DON'T uff a drug atore and buy TNI. put up oj a ehemlcal cornpnny merely SELL. Do what rrerx -rasfnl man AI.WA i3 dees Elnd the one who knona alirnt the broilers nnd ducks, presn spring nroii- n-ked why. the officer stated that he will be delivered by R'-v Kujrene R. Sur Kene n.

lit i i ers bring 46 cents a pound rather a Then the orocesMon will nirnien oy ms superior inai turn nurr Tin spring uucaungs Rnwinin in.i oi Mr Williams license naa ooon revnaeu. an worth Jf cents a pound. has not been revoked. This action and responsive to a light teach: GOOD HABITS Keeping a pathsf true alignment due to the rigid int. bar hung on pivots: CLEAN AND CLEAR WORK The writing being clean cut, neat and 4ha tlnct.

Here then is a well bred typewriter, which e-ery mechanician anl every operator will approve, and which, because of its superior excellence. wUl help every business man Improve the morale and increaae the capacity of hia office. There Is plenty or good beer In tne learned by calling at city ant sts to Savin Hill av, to the crest v.Thi of Savin hill. There the parade will be I Mr William reviewed and dismissed. There historl- ha'- Lapt ms Lauor, when asked by orders he directed his officer to close market.

Very good sirloin cuts can be had at 33. Jo and cents a pound, wltn rump steak Just a trifle higher. A line rib roast costs 13 to 15 cents a pound. cal exercises will be held 3 a sailing regatta will be nei.i in uor. nester bav.

under the nlrec. auhjerr and -K what to do In roar me Pork nnd lamb chops i ring ji and Columbia hall, suited that he read It in a newspaper and took it for granted that it was correct. The mayor's office Is authority for the statement that Mr Williams' license has not been i Hon or tne uorciiester vacht club A good btil-ie man goea i cents a pound for the best. irmis of i "ere w.ii be athletic games on the lawyer p-rhai'San-l laiya I Pork products at this season always tlol.l lars for a few- word of ADVli'E take a boom. Besides the usual things to be seen are corned briskets 13 cents a pound, pig pork roast 13 cents a pound, and pig pork chops 14 cents a pound.

It is expect.vl that the Dorchester driving dub will have up-ward of 5.1 turnouts In line. At the con-i In: of the parade the club, headed "WAS PERSONAL" JOHN KEITH GETS 4 MONTHS. THE SHEVUATH. Ryder was a resident of Chelsea 9 years. There was a profusion of floral tributes.

The body was taken to Chatham, where Capt Ryder was bora, for burial. Net the lawy. is a wis. man than Ms client- bat Lis la SPKflAl. kn.

gained from years of study and familiarity many You. in r.ur ha.r tn.iiN.".. nl.erher It be Dan.lruff. Premature ilray llir. I'nhealthy Fsralp.

Falling H.ilr. clip. Scanty Irks. ts-ttrf. yon ognlse.

or Fresh shoulder Is selling ror 10 cents a pound, pressed ham for 14 cents a me band, will proceed to Franklin field, where the following matches will pound, hair-pound boxes or cnippoo beef 11 cents, fresh boiled feet 10 cents ie nein on speedway: Boston Hebrews Observe a pound, corned tongues ii cents a pound, and loose salt pork 11 cents a an INCIPIENT HUM RLE Yol DON'T Us A. trotting: KNOW ABOCT TILL THE MIS' HIEF IS D.ilv brm. E. II. Robinson DoNE-are in LI CK.

tireen tr. M. A. llarrlngtcn Yon Lit FItEELY at j-iir disposal the "ls paring: knowledge that U- gained tn the thirty- Rladyw brm. K.

K. Clarke. lTe years of In Hr ir tronbles of Mutir.e-r. Ms. C.

C. Blan'j. oound. Cause of Last Night's How in City Hall. Duns are Kettlr.a shorter In recelots.

Pentecost Festival There aren't as many of the first marks on the market as formerly. The verv J. r.n ri vr.iriiry i I. is kno-n it. trotting Waiter It.

bg. C. C. Blaney. Baby.

com. II. P. Gallup. best are being placed In cold storage.

Henneries are few and far between. and his name tetered In ft-rr hnmlet of the elrilUed gll- Kor.dg' com-s from EXPERIENCE and TIDY. SOUTH END DISTRICT. The funeral of Mr Callaghan McCar thy, a former resident of tha Strata End, and who for years was engaged in the antique furniture business near tag corner of Washington and Concord sts. waa held this morning from his bus residence.

30 Wenonah st. Roxburr, Solemn high mass of requiem was calibrated at the church of the Immaculata Conception at 10. The body was boras into the church by Edward Heffernaa T. N. McCormick.

Mr Killion, Ht Reily. William M. Car thy and Gears He and Charles D. White, our love for God; Lillian E. Kaufman, our love for our fellow-mtn; Rachael Raphael.

Israel religion; Albert V. Assner. the Ten Cor.mandments. These numbers were followed by an address by Rev Solomon Schlndler. who efflciuted at the services; Bessie Witt, poem.

"Mt Louise Kalesky, the meaning of the Ten Commandments; Esther Miller Jewish festivals. Ruth B. Hollander benevolence. Elsie P. Schel-lenberg, book of books: William E.

R. Basch. attitude of a Jewish hov; Hannah Harris, attitude of a Jewish girl; Cora S. Relnherx. mothers in Israel; Bertha R.

Aaron, address to parents; Nathan M. Rosnosky Jr. confession of faith; valedictory, Sadie Gold. This was followed by the blessing of the conflrmants by Rev Schlndler and the presentation of diplomas by Isaac Rosnosky. president, and John Nathan, vice president of the congregation, i ne special musical numbers were "En Ko-mocho," by choir; "Boruch Hahbo." by the cboir; "Waters or Babylon." by Mrs Einstein; "Parting of the Ways." by the confirmation class; Mussaph ser-ce by Cantor E.

Wolkowlch. In the synagogues of the orthodox One of Largest Classes In History These are worth 30 cents a dosen. Then come the so-called nearbys for 38 cents a dosen. with the Cape for 23 and 3S Councilman Fitzgerald Denies Struck First Blow. tn.

ars experien.T phrase written buu- is Ccnfirmed. ihe boys of the Dorchester high s. hool will have quite a celebration on thtir own account on their winning of the Intel-scholastic league baseball championship. Originally it was intended that the Dorchester high school brtttalion should take part in the parade, but the school committee would cents and the easterns and 27 cents a dozen. Here are the pnees in detail: Eaperlentla de-tea.

it a Lati deeds of vrars ngn YOC ran get the 1 pertenee. that has sYITHOl'T PAY1NC! or obligating Fruit and vegetables Celery 1 2c of this Tast rt-lliona of dollars ENT OP MONEY slightest iesre. hunt h. lettuce head, chicory f)Sfii0c head, radishes bunch, string beans 1012iil5o qt. oyster plant Seldom.

If ever, have the temples of Juat write in-l if your pulled nly allow them to take part in one oct hr the tilling us well as you imnon. n- summer souasn the reformed and the synagogues of the Connor. There were a profusioa of floral tributes. The singing was by tha event, so tne noys will attend the ball game between the Dorchester and Sotn- 1S4t20c aDlece. cauliflower Sftrtce apiece, cranberries 20G26c qt.

sweet po orthodox Hebrews ot this city presented such striking pictures as were shown regular quarrel, air ueorge tu. organist, and at the offertory Councilman Florenoe H. Fitsgarald. whom Alderman Linehan accused of having struck him last night during the meeting of tbe common council, denies that he struck tbe alderman first. Said Councilman Fitzgerald today: "The assertion by Alderman Linehan rvino nines on The Uunbnr-av grounds.

in the evening they will have a parade tatoes oqrsc id. wnite potatoes luenori peck, new potatoes peck, onions Was Charged With Assault on a Fellow-Workman in Chelsea. "The assault was an unprovoked and unjusl'rtdble one." said Judge Albert O. Bosson ol the Chelsea police court this forenoon in reference to the case of John Keith. 25 years old.

of Laconia st. this city, who was charged with assault and battery on Clarence A. Nash, man 6i years old. residing on Chestnut st. Chelsea.

The court, then sentenced Keith to four months in the house of correction. An appeal was taken and Keith was held in 5300 for the July term of the superior court. The alleged assault was committed about 6:20 last sThursday night. A strike had been in progress among the cutters and stitchers at the factory of Charles F. Kelly Co.

Everett av. Chelsea. After the factory had closed Nash, one of the employes, was met outside by Keith, who Is alleged to have been a picket of the strikers. Keith, it is claimed, walked along Everett av with Nash, his purpose being to induce him to attend a meeting of the strikers which was to hnve been held that night. Nah refused to attend and plainly told Keith that he would not be present.

Then, it Is alleged, that Keith struck him several blows and knocked him Into the middle of Broadwav. An electric car was passing at tho time, and it Is claimed that only for a passerby running to Mr Nash's assistance and ricking him up. he would surely have been run down by the car. The next Monday morning Keith was arrested and arraigned In court, but Nash was unable to appear against him. Mr Nash sustained cuts or the head and bruises to hia hips an1 was laid up several days.

The case had attracted considerable attention In Chelsea. this forenoon owing to the observance McGonigle sang a solo. The inter was at Holyhood cemetery. Brool bv themselves The letter carriers' bnnd will be cres can the ronditlonof rmir scalp. Or.

ttfe- still and learn In person. Ton will find ut deUuitelv 1t If is fir. ami strong. Hw to ke.p it mil iniir.Te It. Jrl--If 't I nrginetag out.

Mow to SToP -rid fine (gain. yisi iare A DISEASF.D SCALP. DEE TO ANY OF A NI'MBER OF CAFSfES. How to mske your scalp strong, clear and full of healtii where prayers were read by Rev cnt at the ball game and will play be narns. a relative oi the deceased.

tween the innings. After the game the the same large crowds were present at 5'Sc qt. leeks hunch, cabliau-j Mt 15c apiece, tomatoes 1545306 26c lb. mushrooms SlsTl.6091.76 lb. Calif ornl.i oranges ftftOOc dot, cheaper variety 30c dox.

lemons dor. grapefruit 11.50 dox. nsparagu 2oi2c bunch. of the Shevuath. the Pentecost festival.

The somber draperies about the ark were removed, and those of Immaculate white replaced them, the altars and reading desks were hidden behind banks Rev William F. Gannon. SJ, Bins ot tne school will furn sh the hovs the services. In many of these houses of Boston college, officiated at the refreshments at the school building on I Talbot av. From to 8 o'clock there of flowers and potted plants, and the of worship old trndltlonal Jewish melodies were sung by the cantor and boys' choir.

The services, although of a Joyous nature, were very Impressive. The synagogues In most cases were taste ror 1 oi i "in i iie-i i itly and owe It to yourself, yojr fa Washington st and Tallot av. In lin will be the letter carriers' band, a drag fully decorated with potted plants and containing the members of the vic cut nowers. torious ball team, drag with the Invited guests, and then the high school cadets carrying torches. The procession will oass over Center and Allston sts Melville av.

waldcca st Geneva av. large edifices were otherwise handsomely decorated with laurel. The day la celebrated, for on this day the law waa given to Israel. In the temples of the reform It is the occasion of confirmation, and this year the largest classes In the history of both reformed congregations were confirmed. It Is a festival of great rejoicing, and by many Is called Thanksgiving.

Potter hall. New Century bulMing. Huntington av. the temporary quarters of the temple Adath Israel, waa taxed to Its utmost capacity during the services. Rabbi Charles Fleischer conducted the services.

Rabbi Fleischer Is among those who maintain that tho institution of the confirmation cere ycur to Consult Woodbnry TODAY. D-n't put It off. Don't make eTone to yours. If Write now Or. better still rail.

Ftf 1. BLEMISHES. Blarkbeada. Pimples. Frteklea.

Sup-rBuorm flair. Warta. Moles. Birth Marks an.1 ill other Facial as well as Featured Irregnlaritlea ar.d Deformltte.

when treated by the Special-lata of the W.iodbarv Institute, are reraored perrnanently. leaTlng no trnre of their being ONE MOLE REMOVED FREE. To proTe bow simple Is the Woodbury method ef remoTlng moles, any one wh. brings this advertisem*nt to the Woodbury Institute, during the present week, ean have one mole re-ir red without tbe payment of any fee wbat- Westvllle. Ilow.loin.

Washington. Ash-ninnt. Montague. Mellon. Ocean and Ashmont st to Pea bo sq.

to Talbot av. where the parade will be reviewed WEST ROXBURY DISTRICT. A meeting was held at the Rosllndale club last evening for the purpose of considering the observance of the Fourth In the upper section of the ward. George E. Gray presided, and George W.

Currier acted as secretary. It was decided to form a permanent carnival association and the following committee ard dismissed mortal mass for deceased members of the Young Men's Catholic association of 41 East Newton st at tbe church of tbe Immaculate Conception at 7 this morning. There was a large attendance, the members of the association being present in a body. The mass this morning practically closed the program of the association for tbe season, although the headquarters will remain open during tbe summer months, and the cottage of the. Appledales, composed of a number of the club members, will be opened at Houghs Neck-In the banquet hall of Boston college hist night the members of the young men's sodality of the church of the Immaculate Conception and the young women who took part in tbe sho-r.

"Blllee Taylor." given by the sodality members the middle of last month, were tendered a banquet by Rev Fr ColrsT. 8J. director of the sodality. There were about 60 persons present. Following the dinner addresses were bv Rev Fr Colgan SJ.

Rev Fr Cowardla SJ. Mr James Gilbert and Mr Jamas Waters. The party then adjourned the music room, where dancing and aa Impromptu entertainment was enjoyed. Those who contributed to the entertainment were T. Louis Thompson, who played the leading pert in the produc strawberries box.

pineapples rjyftaOc apiece. Poultry and game Turkeys, good 2t? J30c lb, westerns 23325B2SV lb. chickens 14tf30628c lb. native chickens Ki S2fit6c lb. fowl lb.

geese lWf 2ii22c 11.. ducks lb. capons el2lv7fKc lb. squabs S3tj3.6O04 dox. pigeons $2 82.50Si3 dot.

grouse fcirt S0 1.75 dox. Fish lb. haddock C7c lb. halibut 18325c lb. flounders 9c lb.

striped bass 2oT28c lb. blueflsh 15c lb. whitefish 1730c lb. eels lOAISc lb. salmon lb.

turbot 10c lb. black bass 16c lb. Spanish mackerel 20c Id, fresh mackerel each, sheeps-head 164317c lb. red snapper 16917c lb, lake trout 20c lb. brook trout 73c lb.

white perch lS20c lb. pickerel K-fflS--lb. cods' tongues 12c lb. tongues and sounds 12c lb. hornpout 16c lb.

legs 60c lb. soft shell crabs 76c4jgl dox. lobsters, bolted lK22c lb. clams lOftlSc qt. oysters 25950c qt.

sea bass 16c lb. pompano IS 20c lb. Meats Sirloin steak 334y36fr3Sc lb. rump steart lb. rib roast 121315c lb.

fancy brisket lb. other corned beef SClOc lb. Iamb, hindquarters 16c lb. sides l.T lb. foreouarters 10c lb short Afterward the boys will proceed to the Junction of Talbot and Welles avs where the captain of the nine will light a huge ionnre.

mere will follow a con cert by the band. The committee Is desirous that residents along the line of Cnnsvltntinnn A hsolutelyFree. mony has neen a means ui mi appointed on the matter: George Gray. George W. Currier.

O. C. Gray George W. Currier, O. C.

march should decorate life into the ancient Shevuath festival. Annually he has one of his conflrmants Blaney. H. M. Palmer.

I T. An-give the following word of explanation. drews. A. 8.

P. Weeks and E. J. Brom-The confirmation service still so new ocrg. JOMN H.

WOODBURY ja Dermatol ogical Institute, EAST BOSTON. Knights of Honor hall. Rosllndale. 58 Winter Boston. an Institution among the jews tnat ior all concerned a word of explanation of last evening, initiation was worked on Its meaning Is deemed necessary at the four candidates for the Bethlehem beginning of the exercises.

court. M. C. O. by the degree staff Timothy F.

Crowley, a well-known young man of the district, employed as that I struck the first blow is untrue, as many spectators In the anteroom of the council chamber can testify. As a matter of fact. Linehan struck at me first. He waa greatly excited. Owing to the promptness of the city messenger, further trouble was averted.

"I might also state that 1 have lived In ward 13 for many years, and think I have a good reputation as a quiet, peaceable, law-abiding citizen. "It may be Just as well to say that the altercation between Linehan and mvself did not concern the East Boston hospital bill, but was a personal matter between us. "Linehan and not I struck tbe first blow." CHELSEA. An adjourned meeting of the special committee to Inquire Into the methods employed In the buying of coal for the school buildings of the city, was held In city halt last evening. Tbe special committee, consisting of Aldermen Williams.

Cornell and Robinson summoned some -oven school janitor, and questioned them as to the amount of coal received and burned. Another batch of Janitors will be summouod at a later meeting. The state board of health has decided to refer the matter of the alleged nuisance caused by the New England Gas co*ke Co, to the committee on health of towns. This committee consists of Dr Walcott chairman, Hiram F. Mills of Lowell.

Dr Julian A. Mead of Wa-tertown and Dr John W. Bartol of Boston. Sunday will be observed as children's day at the Central Congregational church. In the morning there will be baptism of infants and a special sermon to the children by the pastor.

Rev John A. Hlggons. In tbe evening the children's day concert will take the place of the usual service. Alderman William 8. Young la particularly active In hia desire to procure a new ambulance for the police department, and with that end In view he has introduced an order appropriating K00 for the purpose in the board of aldermen, which has been referred to BACK FROM JOLLY CRUISE.

wrnr hundreds oi ei v. v. um oui. a clerk tn one of the Central-sq business l.oufes. wa- fie happy recipient of a ness a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments served.

Tomorrow afternoon the two rivals of boy upon reaching the age of 13 was considered and called a 'Bar MHxvnn the pon of a man who took upon hr.ndsome gold ring ednesdav night, the sift being a slight token of tne section on tn? nasenall field. Forest himself the duties of life, on thear.natn tion of the opera: Miss Louise Caw holm, the leading lady; John ClArir, tbe good fellowship on the part of a num nearest that 13th birthday he would ap- Hiils and rtosllndale. will meet at the ber of young men acquaintances. The comedian: Miss Mary Haverty. t.e ir In tin -vtiasrogue una v.vt a uuuu me nimoi a series chops 3ntj25c lb.

mutton, whole iePQ lb. forequarters lOtjUlc lb. short chops lb. short legs 1518c lb. ham 13c lb.

bacon 1241 4c lb. fresh pork 13ft 16c lb. corned shoulder 10011c lb. salt pork 10fi2c lb. sausage 12jl4c lb, smoked shoulder afflOc lb.

leaf lard. lOf 12c lb. tripe 10930c lb. pigs' feet ftglOc lb. presentation was made at his home, 339 Border st.

"Tim" was at his place of and Terrence Brady. Dancing was SOUTH BOSTON. The various societies of this distrtot of which lion Henry F. Naphen was a member, are to have special meeting at which to take action on his death. Besides the meeting of the Samoset club of ward 15.

to be held this evening at the rooms on Dorchester st. there nave also been called for this evening special meetings of South Boston council of the Knights of Columbus, to be held at the h'udquarters In Bcthesda building and of division 74. A. O. to be held Jn Gray upper ball.

Arrangements for the funeral to be held tomorrow morning are being made by the the assistance of Inti- mate frlc- a of the dewased. Mr James Ellis, a Itfelong friend of Mr aphne. is arranging with tbe many societies, all tf which will aend tlelegations to the funeral. Solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated at the Gate of Henvcn church at 10 o'clock. There will be a special musical program under thel direction of Miss Mary A.

O'Reilly and th- quartet will comprise Miss Marv L. Crowley sopi.ino. Miss There, sa I. McGinn's contralto. Mr Michael j.

Dwver tenor and Mr Thomas K. Clifford baritone. Last night was "children's nlghf with Mi Washington colony ol the or HMiruiui. i iwi.b.b".."... j.

1 in, ninlr of condition h.vm. taecn called to the reading detk and a hot contest Is as- business as usual, wnen word was sent stired. The supporters of the two tram. iporters would pronounce his benediction over to that he was wanted Immediate the Thdrnh. or read a portion rrom tne win oe on nana to urge tnelr favorites to ur ly at home and he hastened as quickly to do their best work Scroll, as only the adult Jew was en Patrolman Nickerson and Party of East Boston Report a Good Time.

Patrolman Nickerson the East Boston station and a party of 1J. who have been cruising the past two weeks along the Massachusetts and Maine coast, returned yesterday, h.ivlng spent a most enjoyable time on Mr Nu kurson sloop yacht, the Gladys. The party left East Boston two weeks ago today, and the first stop was made at Provtncetown. From there they went to Portsmouth, after which a trip along the coast of Maine was thoroughly enjoyed. The party all through made great catches of flsh.

Notwithstanding the weather was rather unfavorable, the Gladys puhed through In excellent style. ns possioie. ncn ne arrived ne lound seated about the house SO of nls companions, and before he was able to even enjoyed. Spotted. see yon have got a fresh office boy?" "Know him.

do you?" "No; I never saw him before." "Well, you called the turn, all rlfMI he's certainly fresh." Houston Post. extend a good evening to tne nartv Mr McKay stepped up and in a well titled to do. "In Palestine and throughout thje Orient, the boy at 13 may have reached man's estate, but In western lands a boy of that age cannot truthfully be called a "Bar A boy of 13 or 14 Is a boy and not a man. whether In body, mind or character. Therefore, among the less orthodox clnen sr.

presented Mr Crowlev MEOFORD. The general contract for the building of the new James school has been awarded to F. C. Alexander of Somer-vllle. the lowest bidder.

His offer was H9.X3S. Alderman John W. Enwi-n-ht oH. with the ring. "Tim" managed to pull himself together and made a neat sp of acceptance.

The remainder PUBLIC MAY VISIT HOLM LEA. Prof Sargent's Beautiful Brookline Estate Open Tomorrow and Sunday. Following the custom Inaugurated tast year of allowing the public on certain days to visit his magnificent estate. Holm Lea, In Brookline, Prof Charles Sargent announces that the estate will be thrown open to the public Jews this confirmation nas neen nation nas n-. Escb Bottle Mmket IS Oasses substituted.

And 1 the board of trade of Pea hodv to this cerernonyv girls ut nl(rnt on hR LSS have been admitted Medford council, k. will have a as well as boys The confirmation, as a enwnonwi. ladles' night this evening. Judge not an end In Itself, but a mean cusfiing Walt will deliver an ad- lion, ns a ceremonial, tV.j" f3 Bam Cusfiing Walt will deliver an mS. der of Pilgrim Fathers, and the two again this year.

toward a inrner anau. "y- Pilgrim upper nans were im? scene oi n.nat ilrlitfh'fnl occasions. Mr William Mu.lnn everelse to mark the close 5g" dress on "The Courts and the People." 1. if Afl'r ther wl 06 an entcrtaln-t It is ment nnd banquet. of Tomorrow afternoon, from I o'clock until sunset, and all dav flundnv of rellirlous Instruction, but Ambrosia Punch governor of the colony, was assisted In the management of the affair by Mrs Frank Guile chairman, Mr and Mrs Horace Degter.

Miss liattie Graven and Mr Prang uune immediately on arriving at the hall the girls were provided with handsome fans and the bovs only the commencement 01 a i-arec. 1 miss Agnes Lincoln of this city serious and Joyous study of the real 1 has been reelected secretary of the meaning and deeper purpose In life. 1 Stone family association. The" ceremony Is a public affirmation meeting for the organixation of the on our part of that faith and those city men In a branch of the teamsters' truth- wl Ich have been Instilled anl union was held last night. State Sec awakened in us In the class room: and.

Dennis D. Drlscoll of the A. F. of more specially this confirmation New England Organiser Frank P. Fall means that we boys and girls have 1 of the International teamsters' union.

as i4 Prm Peter M. V. cr 1 Miss Agnes W. Lincoln of this city 11. Holm I.ea will be accessible to the public.

The same rule regarding the exclusion of carriages, automobiles and bicycles will be observed this year None of them will be permitted to enter the grounds. Any Brookllno Village car will transfer to the gates of Holm Lea those who desire to visit the estate, which Is now In Its most gorgeous beauty with rhododendrons, axaclas and many other flowering plants. with flass. and all mnrrne.1 around in or the evening was spent in singing, recitations and games. A spread was enjoyed.

Fapay Cohen, who waa first arralsnsd in the district court some days ago on a cf.crge of having adulterated vinegar In her possession, was on trial this trning. She was found not guilty, and the court ordered her discharge. For drunkenness Edwin J. Chase was gi-en one month and Robert J. Sulli-vnn two months tn the house of correction.

Mrs Elizabeth Has son. wife of John Hasson of Wlnthrop. but for many jtars a resident of this district, residing on Chelsea st. died yesterday at her Lome in Winthrop? 10 Falrview st. after a lingering illness.

She was aged 67 and well and favorably known. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning, with a solemn requiem mass at St John th Evangelist church. Wlnthrop, at 10. QUINCY. The funeral of Mrs George who died Tuesday from bums received two weeks ago, was held yesteruay afternoon at her late home.

Billings road. Services were conducted by Rev Ed-ward A. Chase, pastor of the Wollaston 25 CeatM a Bottle and out of the halls singing "America." In the large nan mere was an entertainment consisting of piano solos oy Miss Flora Hunt, recitations by Miss the police committee. The alderman is anxious to get a report from the committee at the regular meeting of the board next Monday evening. Mr Young contends that the present ambulance Is absolutely unfit for use, and of all the marry things needed In Chelsea, he believes that a new ambulance should come first.

The funeral of Capt Gustavus Ryder formerly a prominent Boston business man, well known In ship chandlery business, who died at hts home on Hawthorn rt Wednesday afternoon, was held this afternoon, the services being hd at his home, and were conducted by Rev John A. Hlggons. pastor of the i' ntral Ccngregallonal church. There was a large attendance, particularly of made a sllldV. OI juuaisiii 7.

Jt 1 vin- nhgiou. thought, and that publicly we district council frea, Phl.lpH. Sweet of the C. L. U.

and Olive Murphy, violin solos by Miss Etna chairman George Tagen of the unionising and label committee of the C. I-. 7 ad Waterman. ny Kiunie Hodge, recitation I Master Guy Wilson, mandolin solo by Miss Marion A luxury A deep ruby la the color-pure tiomc is rich pleasingr-and healthful. vuill da you good.

JCon-alo holic yet gently stimulating to the tired body and brsln. sJBrn our loyalty to mat reugmn. our Intention to seek In It our guiding Influence throughout life and the means of developing In our nature all the qualities of mind and. all the graces of soul which shall mark us as true chll- Parmalee. n'ano solo by Miss Lillian Daly, reading by Master Leverett Waterman and recitation ty Mtss Jones.

dressed the meeting. Officers will be elected at the next meeting. Mayor Michael F. Dwyerhas assigned the old street commissioner's office in city hall annex for the use of members of the press during the 275th anniversary celebration next week- Aran nt i ii noble men and women The march was then resumed to the other hall, where the young people bad tee cream and cake. the older residents of the city.

Capt On and Off like a Coat' About fJD last evening. John heney. fe Fruit Synrps Same Strength Sne Price as the Punch 6 Flavor aged 4. of 281 Dorchester av. received contusions to his head bv falling from a lo-foot fence in hte yard In the rear of his home.

He was taken to the City hospital. "Pletse your ttowacn' do The committee of the uncoin athletic association has completed arrange-menla for Its annual dance to be held In Pilgrim hall thla evening. Arrangements hnve been completed for the annual piano recital under the DORCHESTER DISTRICT. Mr and Mrs James Sawyer of 242 Kllton st celebrated the 10th anniversary of their wedding last evening, with a large gathering of friends. The rooms were very tastefully decorated with peonies, pinks, roses, ferns and sweet peas.

A thoroughly enjoyable evening waa spent, and Mr and Mrs Sawyer were the recipients of many useful gifts. Herman Sawyer and Miss Grace Smallman acted as ushers. Frappe. Ice cream and cake were served. Among those present Were Miss Elsie Sawyer.

Miss Marlon Sawyer. Mrs T. Talbot Mrs J. 8 Marshall. Mrs Waterhouse.

Mrs Albee. Mrs Samuel R. Fields Mrs Llssle Lackey. Miss Georglannn Mill-man. Miss Helen D.

MrOe, Mr and Mrs J. M. Parsons. Mr and Mrs John Morse. Mrs C.

C. Wiggins. Mr and Mra Lin wood Pierce. Mrs 8. R.

Sawyer. Mrs Charlea R. Oilman. Mrs A. Judson Barteaux.

Mra W. 8. Butler, Mra Foster. Mrs Flanders. Miss 'Seville.

Mrs 8. Andrewa. Mra T. Bowers Rev and Mrs A. A Blair.

Mrs A. HUlman. Miss Ella R. Hlllman Mra John Smallman Miss Hannah Harrison Mrs Dora A Frederick. Alexander Hillman and Edward Maclean.

The 8t Mark's Catholic guild of Ash. saont will hold a chamber whist party at the Ashmont dub. Aahmont at to. morrow evening. Mls Florence Ireland will be t.n.i..i W2.

OLD MILK CRUST ON BABY Lost Alt His Hair. Scratched Till Blood Ran Grateful Mother Telia of Hie CURE BY CUTICURA FOR 75c. FASHIONED COAT SHIRTS Made in original designs of FAST COLOR FABRICS in style, quality and finish LUCE CUSTOM WORK. $1.50 and up. OtUETT.

PCABODY direction cf Miss Josephine English, to be given In Bernlce hall, on the evening og Tueaday. June 30. S3 Pres Harry of the South Boston clti- sens association has appointed a com mittee of eight to represent the associa tion at the funeral or (-Congressman The confirmation services at the temple Adath Israel consisted of the following numbers: Mllo M. Goldstein, opining prayer; Miriam Carp. Meaning of Confirmation Eleanor Brg.

"The Festival of Revelation Mrs Bertha C. Child and choir. "Lift I Thy reading of the scroll by Rabbi Fletacher; Walter Wets Ten Moses First. "Haftarah-Joshua's Gordon F. Galert.

"Profession of Mra Caroline Cutler. "With Verdure CladT' The following addresses followed: Leo P. Rosenwald. "Israel Mctor Bchellenberg. "The Jews in Emanuel Rooa.

"Peace on Stella D. obat. "Our Own Religion'; Irma R. Howard. "Hear.

Israel." poem by Mrs F. L. Cushing. Members of the confirmation class then gave some Jewish teachings (mottoes). Emma Z.

Stack. "Flowers ns youth's Lewi F. Kornfeld. "The business ef Bessie F. Hynernan.

closing prayer. Interspersed with these numbers were a violin solo by Herman Goldstein, song. "See Now the Altar Garlanded." by W. B. Phillips, and "Tarry With Me." by Bruce W.

Hobbs. The exercises were brought to a close with the blessing of the children by Rabbi Fleischer. Tbe program presented by the confirmation class of the temple Ohabel Shalom, t'nlon Park st. was as follows: Sidney Shlanser, opening prayer; confirmation class hymn. 'The The flower per vice wis given by the following members of the class: Rosamond Levy, floral prayer; Roaa B.

Greene rite Of CQflflrnution; Mabyl Henry F. Naphen tomorrow. HMSST aaataa 0 aeiian aao coiUUkfl Call Early With Your Ads. BEVERLY. There was a large gathering at the prise speaking contest held In the First Baptist church last evanm undo Uell Ghat Waiter.

Co SernJe )ou the auspices of the Prohibition alliance. alias -Donald waa awur.l.H medal. The judges were W. O. KB faffs" -Alto ays v.

"I i-ynn ana -roe nev r. at. UUDD 01 saicm "When our baby boy waa three months old, he had the milk crust very badly on his head, to that all the bair came out, andt itched so bad he would scratch until tbe blood ran. I got a cake of Cutic ura Soap and a box of Cnticura Ointment. I applied the Cuticura and pnt a thin cap on bis bead, and before I had used half of the box it was entirely cured, bis bair commenced to grow out nicely aiain, and be has bad no return of the trouble, (ngucu; Un.U, P.Jfolmce, a testimonial at Dloomfleld hall.

Geneva GLOBE ADS PAY BEST TRY ONE AND SEE GLOBE ADS PAY BEST TRY ONE AND SEE GLOBE ADS PAY BEST TRY ONE A-D 8 EE Reported from 'Sconeet NEW YORK. June a-TTie steamer Lu Sunday's Clobe 9F4 "Brttvtd -Right by v. iiimj eveninig. juoe 15. Miss Ireland Is a well-known social favorite In A-'hmont.

where she resides, and that jitSgUr which is being arranged in her behalf by a large number of prominent people will be well attended goes With. out saying. Mlag Inland has the sympathy of a host of people of thla mo. Moo in tha oaa, bvr BoUta canla. from Liverpool and Queenetowa for New York, was reported by wireless from the Slaaconset station when 9J miles ease of Nantucket liehtahin at Massachusetts "Bretveries Co Co.

Main. 17 OtU Strtet. "Bcjtcn. T.I. 666(9 60 lil tpdagk nwlL JlSlial (a GrwUi ii.


The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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