The Northern Daily Leader from Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

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THE A 0 0 A I DBS ER SATURDAY A ST I 9 19 16 THE VVEATilEK 'STATE PARLIAMENT! OCR LATE TELEGRAMS THE LATEST i OICIAL ORECAST NEW MINIMUM WAGE TO RACING CHINO JAPANESE CRISIS Two Pound ifteen Per Week ITALY NOW ORGANISED Tips for Bosch 111 Policy Stated Pr Expedition Closing on Important Centres Justice Judgment Huge 1 li dust rial Side of the War Attitude Depends on China Morale Greatly Affected Armies Making Roads Thviico (Iteutcr'sJ' Trteg'iatn (Published in "The Times) 'Agiii Premier Refuses Royal Commission THETAMWORTH DAILY OBSERVER Noinbi Iiiisi Lord SATURDAY AUGUST ID 131j Hall 'Jblegriun'i) Ooiit' LONDON? Grhii tlie' CLYDE CANAL BURSTS Town Under Water no iReulc? WOLLONGONG PONY RACES had SURGICAL WONDERS Artificial Limbs Seem Real '(Published in LOUR IXING GENERAL REPORT Asked for Tableland Increase QUIRINDI TROTTING CLUB Mills' Haye Shortage Country SUCCESS IN BALKANS Oceupatipn' of Servian Tcrrito ry Thursday: LDNDON: ci I lot place PUSH: BEYOND POZIERES Most Trying Ordeal Ah' Warships Keeping Close Watch Attack oiir Uhibii Bank LATEST CASUALTY LIST in fl SCRATCHINGS Servant ight The1 trance PRODUCE MARKETS ril German Press Bitter Pto iii the (ItCTiter Pte ir Sli Sert COMMONWEALTH METEOROLOGY graw Spell of ine Weatjier SOLICITOR 'KILLED NV principles of rttautrabty mipi SUSSEX STREET MARKETS GAOL BREAKING: ATTEMPT' Electric JAIdfm Upsets Plan Hie iicxt 18 SYDNEYz riday PERSONAL METALMARKETS SALE TRAWLED ISH iiidi WV frpitrivlicr ilieir liftnig tim little' girl but Singleton to Have Permanent Depot lilj SINGLETON SOLDIER KILLED ON THE RACES Hu 0 I SYDNEY riday SX BAZAAR bad era sukl niiari The cas liby fiiciii hostji Hr tlio I'M Hi 'Mriul fetlcWP bn He i Galicianpositionwinter'? tnoui I quite I letrr 'r liai itillin Hie aeicrai Wed There 'hum mi th upind 1 IW mao ftp nsu rdo km poji one ill i0' nppijrcn UyLdi ihe: ch piny The impel suiter Uir Wing hf li i Mon ren Arie sert fo dm fer i the rtr he Cjuj'icdi T'liisijnption'viis 'Ingreed in Mr Pwl Ulswc ifllhil Her hr tatlis 'I'' LONDON i'i'cldy Ipusc otrtCoinindns (lie ProBill passed the third reading War RENCH AND BRITISH DAILY ADVANCING jUNO I'IIER IIRlCEMONrt' nSi'O SUJilMER 0A3WAIGNd Oscar Scott boh of' Scott Goonoo Rond is REJECTION OLANDSUPER TAX ij i ixltwo Vdos? and: iir He iJKpiained that the shprlsge lcts The ita flour Yaiv rtiie PAYMENT MR PETROL COSTS LONDON riday i ortii endof Railway Official Charged with Steady Advance and AIT Attacks Mr ibebp irian't Gainerdii1 iWHAT IS TO BE DONE WITH THE HOSPITALS? rBrisbanc'! i wliich 'wasvbpoiatlng overllth Yesterday abas'' r' now? aken 'the of iA'doubrc headiid? depression' Mr Wade and Allegations Upon Members bh' it was'riot'fbr'the'Upper House1 biocit i'tl WllAsrn ho proved himself a most' popular' and competent bfllcer Herbert rederickson' 24 coach1 Irg clerk nt Hiira'tvHle was with while being tlie servant of tlie Chief Com'mlsslonei of Railways hs einbezjQ'1 was glven that tiio 'tlcflcifin ctes were small from Mnrdi but from the last they became large Accused was committed ITe explained tlrnt lie hr ij)g on Gm races I'thc 'foucation It exteitdsl'llic' September riished iHistflirs' to ThevenemycbutiriuestQ'! stubbornly nqldi the extreme wlngs on the fro i £wh X't lie geographical 'has: scarcely sc ehin nnt nlnirsh KiJIcd Adams Jlbiirii'e' Zeiiiind) izteuc 1j ihondrii) Lieuts I Slowing Down One Cause of Increased Cost of Living November lo named monfli1 or present fine in the east with frosty foggy nights Jiut cloudy condi tions in western districts with sow rain and thunder extending eastward later northerly winds Of 60 before' the npijealj lv fi'qhiitiittebQ 'eiibiijil' 'All 'lhbeiicri ics of' 1 1 wounded 670 inissiii 'Aigreat cbpfcreiicerbfpHysiclarisroru' all parts 6r tho United States' has beenopened considerthe' plague ofrtnfan au' paralysis which' is spreading' over the "country front New York where the 'deaths stiHv average three liimdrea 'hCoadnlr aycriige JUio chief source ol wprry rem htoSi cn mi lad 'S' SYDNEY 'iithir Although' tlib yarding was much sunt ler at Alexandria tb day owing to 0b poor attendance of buyers values shoy ed no improvement Potatoes wererallier easier Quotations: Whoatbu chaff cbolte 45' igootl 'a'V'' inferior 3 oaten chaff choice good! 41 to 43 medium 38 to 311 lucerne chart good 5A mefiuni' 4 tb45 oaten hay Inferior 26 'to 3' lucerne hay medium 43 i potatoes prime 82 io tt good 7 to 79 inferior 56 Norlliern Sales: Lucerne chaff Bras scombe 'Nemlhgha 45 balance dust to offer Secombe and Scott West Tso wortli''4 threshlng 34 Valance dost 49' income hay from Davis Scons Nemtnglia passed 3U bulancetlircshing no offer I In 11 i ii uors leMi mt SYDNEY riday' Judgment on the cost of liyingl aiitLthfc: living wage was given by' Mr Jusiicd: Heydon to day Severn! eircurnstahces said Ills Honor seemed to suggest that tlrs present cost: of Hvlitg partly due rtofslpwing down by workers i They'hadadelluite Ha'tbihentfroin ar that slow work Iliad increased Ills ex 'jeiiscs: If thcy ihtehUed the 'process 'sitpcieritiyitw6indend ctrcitmsance which heemed to'suggest 'thut the' present: cost bf living was''1lue to' slowing' alown' 'was the evi dencc' of the deliberate slowing off of a lumber of niuriitio'ri wbrkers'wlid had to bedlscharged 'bylhe ConimdhwealtirMihister' eAnoU that wc inld sVi'a Bcliopitof propagandists ofwliat was called Th in the se referred to ixthe iiaitors'enougU to' ''ereiiv tl oy 'otfddhe 'the same ilbyer 'Strikers' coritiniieir''liis 'rtlohdr muciv 'niore Comnio'nih iliat in ot 'rtheVo' yaTu'e of: thei sovereign was' 'decfdetliy'icss' iin' New SoalliiAV theNpecuniary doss' td the 'statb'iwa'silseyepe'O ver 'had: wages' lie had been finally' led to: believe' 'for" 4uture': awards tlie Iwage should iTwsekjyniBicxfstingtward coiild be fiiaio adultwages wbicli were: below? 'CVperweek fto be'i broughtiuiJ to that pressure' whlelf Povered ilia eastcrnVbalf 'of' the Slate' yesterday dips fe moved' eastei 'an'd it'isVatprcs about bance 'ITiglit form bhepp'ttibj tliq' blh' Zealen'd' A' pressure isp oyer'West' A traHaM latttiidesy whiciishould 'nieaiia IspeR pL fine wea tiier: after tlte'lxwesi: of us passes londay: The' prospccts Eor: the' ihiinedlaie fii tnre ''are fpr unsettled showerywoA ltlier'bi Lbesouth western' districts': ex tending oastward: during wihirti i weye'jridttl'y rimiiltiinc seqnently entered the Corirmbnwealth 1 yvwn ouimiior unice syowey sou pion LA Mon pi LONDON Thursday Tho British correspondent says: 'Tho slow releril less manner in which wc are dally eatlng 'oMr''wayInto: his defences cannot be 'without effect bn the enemy's irior nlblOriDur advanced positions arb iwltliiri 2000: yards of Thlopval ahdCource ltte' 1500': yards of 'Martcnpuich andiOOO 'Giveiic'iy' but much near 'sfThQgxinB' pre pounding ithesGbrmaris''wwejcpiild sympathise iwondering ut which p'oint our next blow He' adds: There is stubborn fighting especially 'hi the gioh enemy" gaincd afoot irig was driven foil after' stlrt flghl Counter Tlmes? correspondent 'atj'Parls say's one object of rericli operations wjas to cut through the Guih in' ordertopnablc 'tb: turn GiiiHembht from'the'soiitli 'and enable the'rehch to encircle Tdaiirepas from north Tlie minary bpmbardinient 'Siinday: The' Gennans'arb fiercely c6untof at stacking A rench' 'semi official forecasts jfaurbprts pointing: but that Wednesday's advance accentuated 'progr8ss 'land 'strongly outflanJced''th'o' 'at Maiirepas renderingthc posillpri bf the German garrison inost difficult uesday 'day: we're thro'o notable advances aiid'er'ous prisoners Private heodprb Vi ployed nsa telephbne 'atitendnhl at thehU i cthnp' at Cnm per Hertvas pii purpose df 'Lsilie had nidtlier jweiit toseeLavhat'was' detaiiiihg wheri 'liei! sonsiispendeil' the neck between two': piillngs 'of' was 'extlheL' tliai either fainted or was 'seiiedAvith 'A' lltj and fell on Jtlip 'gata: LONDPPriday output 'is''IJO if rifles mnis '13o and VO piiiclii fie in ml Im Dm cohrly raiiiliii Ito Ai lillb pas tliu iiu fJlUH'ilil istr ff wi 1 pri: TB p'orted to Imvc been dnngerously iwoiini rfed' fiitlrtirtK in i aiiw ''Gehbral guns nipped' inUlfe bud attacks Jot IjNoque fThere' were'COnsidei'abieYGe'rinamat' tifoksi'withbut iresultnbi th west of 'Pb5eres Sfx: i lines werethrownbaek eOur lihe' both I 'j west: and'sdutli west Jqi' AVe accomt fhis' as the' rc'suit lighting last ulgiit iff communication: witlr AYo captured wesY cf JiighWodd 300 yards' trench' and advance bn bur previons liJieLi: An enemy': counter attack do'tl li'orih west of posicrcs? North west of Bnadhuii SvcV ciiptiirod'J' 'SOO yards enemy treuclies N'Aii' havv the' region of IT ftS nn tlue 4iiid wbH if IjiijcbDd bf ii6avy S'Aliier joiiwiirlnieiit tibns'hiith: of lin'd rCsta br ilislfufl' tlt 6 ytrortoiskj'llHljJl gblivwelliviUiinSeihiiin 'rUrritpfyyThc littiljn rinit' sisttnlLtiis: defence or Bremer b' AiistrohGbrniah'coun ter pPdnsire from KovelAo'w in dsL'otsk ixiid'siinitUanebuslyagiiiusbiGerieriiljLct is' nremiml A PetfogroiT official' inesSage rciTOi ptrii'wof officci nnd iivbpsid Cir ninny shells? 'jV Pet rogi'ail ofliciiil siiysNufflhti'v hnd' i'ytillei tiro' is 'raging iilonp the entire Ifroni" fNiiniei bus! enemy countor tit were repulsed 7'' SYDNEY riday Standard copjier £114710 1 uree months delivery Lead spot £29126 three months dollv: £28 toni Spelter bn spot £63 Hire month's delivery £47 ton Tin on awj £17110 three months delivery 'R SYDNEY produce was bought freely in Sussex street tb dhy but' qnotaUons JM not change Heavy supplies bacon and eggs 'were bought Cheese ra plen'tlful'j' 'Consignnionts of frosh but ter "were Inndefluate orage anil grain in the vegetable section were dopres sou There u'as no cliango in fester Quotations: Deirrlck straw £376 tori maiae 30 to 43 bus mH 27 to' 3Z bus miillet £15 to £36 to £3 to £4 ton potatoes ton pumpkins £110 to ton eggsT3d dozen hens 4 to 6 pM r'oosters 66 to 86 pair ducks 5 7ii palr drakes 7 to 11 pair LATEST SPOUT iiiai iii' 'biib? iieiglibbriibwl ofiLiike vA''biiibio i w'as: July 20 priyhto'l Au dersbni'js'wcirk'nbwM jif 'lluiiiwofthjhnd1 enlisted Before': enlisting ho onnibd bn pursuits throughout New lingluini ago A involyiny icxlraor Jin'avy' ntadei'' upon Bc tnst'ryant lut Union Bank appears Unit tlie iii'iUiiigei'of 'Uie' Llei'd'and IlisNrileWe'ret'spCiiUjng tlib evening with" 'nna'riW(ub tb the rbnch cruise'r 'Adniiriil Au bo and AlliedcfufecrsT'a i'o keeping 'aclose liyer 'ihio Atlantic' Uy wo tW ''rOohieroii' pu riebubul 'lmsrtdvispd by: Atjl'e': pcfenco j' Privnte JosephAy' oi'njici SINGLETON ridX 'News has been received that Prto Lot Andrews son of Mr Peter Amirs" of Dunoily has been killed in rtn was 22 years of age and enlisted months ago Prior to leaving ho employed on his fathers farm Theresoliitjoii ca rriod by lhe Tim worth y' troL 'jpu'rp liyJu'cab'igo jcon troi' rtsi'a deb inUtfiOiur: rjt: csiMi IjefLilly eoiiit'Icrc'd inter oiiSv'hen iliosGoyern vforeeV' tioL Ruestipn iii'statice' of iiaLabor dirokbhjw i'he Before' tfuLabbi' inaisileiuiiiec: pub) i 'Jipspi la Is theejn'ilifi alLppiiitio1' hen! lb pO'licyi 'Aftei'al tnining iilsiinplydi(l mofc'plber aboui 'rtlfejios i' TJie 'a inoriis anils wilh wlndirt tpfkcep'up I'he sCaridii had iviti i Labbr niemb'crs asj 'a' hdriyrt of iheh 'Yoi'JUCJ iSlbd gertoi ieinai'ks'jflf tlid'ialderi 'rtTii'niw cQunmI jh r'eghid present? unaiis'fac port tion 'of 'lipsintiiiswdi'e iTCit't'nll: 'hggcrated Sinciv tlic iaSb' xi fiiislit' iBi'ck: ahd suffcring 'rb'a s' Become harder 'Vwarby''? I'ajse suflicieiib ctiiiblertiic' riipe oh som'hlib'w Xlo funds 111 lulls AVrtV gktlieVcorimunity' tzeuHsjvrtiid 'the appenl'fo'riXlicriidSpilh: fallsiiiit' '''ftritinbi'al vcrhiuc ii i vw) ary' r' tb bntihne tlie To iiilisn to iiora'nm of 'luainta iiiiiig tb'tli'er Altlfo'iiKhthX jless S'Stb rgensicver iil Zrwasjshpwi vJAs'cHitbl'Uilui Tho' Totalisalotus: iof eoiirscdhiysirn tuning llus sensible icfonu fiom the niuclimeyj STmHiipn of Spcei31gi ideii'ed'ciijbu iL'js 1 i thefromplauilb from some hospital if tli'reiip gravest iycit rc Jls feel iiiirkfiicnowiyl L'iiiii intin ti i i'iTiih 1 ion bl: li inlsrtoiib'bf 'rUic': most fjerjouis ngiiinsttlic Litbor il kbo'iililyeryo a ''anot ncr': slick with parly a well ineriled feljeiitiha I he next' elections? i ONDON lipa lender ys': NciVrlv: Alireb' Tavoiublb: sciison js'ljofdits us If tlio 'cbn linuo to lie rclontlcssly sliniild' rwich a' position'Rfetitly: tn ting: theirprijig i osu'inptioii'or litios)' 'I'Jih Germans 'simply Teiilisb' tlie iiigALiuger ton tat on the Olydo bank aid iihi es'oi! 'wider in the town flooding: tihu streets to depth of threo' i'ebti'includ: ihg the Diiiiilxarton rQiid nnd'ivsljpps lipuseS and shipyurdsi Thdro': iiio': sdeiiCS Hoi'sa dvn wn lorries were ferries Atb rtioir being controlled: damage is: heavy' There Wore: hounities A RESH GERMAN OENSIVE Such of the cable news on this pa so headed has appeared In Tlm and is cabled to Australia by spJ permission snould he understwe that the opinions are not those of unless expressly Staten TT oil mill tloomuped without doing 4 Poiil ad Urn mw winking inouiru's into '(lie wnote IS) IS tan lug tan TO Hum (New liliic kinpre Atkihs (Bathurstf SLaSiiiijie (AVavcricy) Yeomans (Drown i riiin) Qqit A'l' AIdKenkie (Drmiwiioynej Tjieiitsj Biirtlett '(North' Sydii'oy)' Ciiapni (Marncfcvillek (iipt Middleton (Viuicluse)'Iicui': (Gpsfbrd) Ptc' C)uil nitih (Gnift6n) jStaddart (Kurri Ktt'i'i'i) 'A' Burling (airy Meadows) Sbuei) j' 'B Greeii '(West'Aiistriiliii) A Wliceler (Vic toria) Everitt" (CorbwaJlJAoui' B' Collier (Vremoi'iie) (Bi eadiilbauc)' Died of Illness: (Ritssin)j Died of AVomids LONDON nicdiciil "'corespondent deacrilkta itlio wonderful re equipment' of matnfed sbl Hiers? pi' ftho di' or logs nniputated below: the khbe it is inipossibliato dis tinguish real from 'tirtificial: AVitli fniiso' hi3s iiiil legs patient walks jinnTortably 'witii' a natura! iindswing? if v'Tiio foot resembles' 'ohe 4 Th'e tyies: 'are' fitted 'w itli balk hearing joints with casing off raw call? Austrian Criielttcs intensify mn i 1 iwvi 'iiHUciijie timcsgreater than' at ine beginning of Uiewar regiment withYnachnieigimsha vbhbecii despatch etl: 'to Cheng '01iia'ruiig'fr6i'n tlib esBTnpaueseij gnri'taph' Thbv Cab tiK4' 'Jiih's di scussed th'esibu ntion 'tiidiAttr ttt'de iif' dopehas' bh tliertriendly aitittiile co' opoi aiion of Peking SYDNEY' riday? Tlio casunity list shows Killed in action o9: died' wounds sick 1 3D SYDNEY riday ollowing arc the results tlio Vol lorigbng pony lying Qibergunyai) Lizzie AVaken: 2 Merv Pride 3 ner 3 to 1 Won a lengthand quarter Time 118 Novice Handicap "Wilga i airy Boy 2" Jacka VO 3 Winner tb 1 Wobby' three quarters: of aAength 14iHahdicap: Speedbmeler i Port weld Landscape 3 Winner s' tb 4 Who lly "a length Time 50 secs Wollongong Handicap Lord Orens 1 Lady AVliittbn' 2 Swanker 3 Winner lO'to iWoh by a head Time l6 Trial stakes: Sandsoap 1 Hilary 2Donatus 3 Winner 8 to 1 Won by a head' Time 1:6 ''142 Handicap: airfield 1 Seal 'Bright 2' Speedometer 3" Winner 5 to 1 Won by a head Timo Mr'Holnhiii Attacks Upper Hcus'c'' The reji'tXidn oLtlie Siipcr TaxBil) by'' Legislative Coiincil wiis: iipon to 'said bf 'lhosewiip' bppbsed thitiBill inl'h'efUppei' House was one' of dogged resistarice io tlie'geiiei'aLprincL oles of thb attacke(( iTtwas not' asrtf Hhta 'matter'wereisub' lii st the of tliei)eople' fi't' gerieial TIie'Hppeib a kind' to sit judgment upbiitle'jegisiative y'ari'Tiod' Tiie i'ei5eseiitatives' of the 'oountry were'prepaied to Muiiicipal: 'iilTn iip the Jidsp'H'iils yin inunieipniiues TiGUNEDAH assault i'exlrabr upon Hatter (Talbng)'rRib Clarke (Burwood)'''Woiiridutl Ptos: iTli' Pi'iitt rtMurrur aindi) ii (Tiiiiiwortli) Mar Ihei (Nnrrtibt'i) Jjuiai (Gleii Irines) Liince Cpli fbwrev Scrgi A' Brown (Ur iilla) Lieut? (Ui'dlln) Missing: 'Supper' Hi Ettinghnusen (Kiaina) 'Anderson Norton (Dulwich Hill)' Gi ecn fCor ririiil) (reniinitlc) Ale 'G 'Giites CdrpL MdDorinld (Broken Hill)' Lnnce Corhl Bnlbohili "(Crimbui'y) Blnck' Eaton (Tx'wisitam) WMtiin (Wagga) Clark (Tiivei podllJ Costello (Vie)'TiBrbwii (GretaJi 'aiiBrpwn iCNiZ) geiss (Enginnil) McAuley (Wavedey) A Holes (ive Dock) Deves'" (address: unknown) A Huglies (Mnvfield) CJappiertnn (Rose Buy) Preston Niisli Cprpls 1 MeDonnld: (Srfotlnnd) lYi Wiitkma'' Johnston (JkTthurst) Ptek Hanim Giillai'l (Eiping) Gates (Brocklseby)' DHiiy'r(Sootbuid) It Ditncan Biil'net (Hl A' Boyd (Qnccnslimd) 'A? An dersbn (Rnndwick) fBnlliird (G Bvqnnor '(Scotluni) (Orangey it Richnrdsotr (Ashheld) QiMlmmpto11 (Eughmd) A i(Vic torin) Coppte: Benson (Port' Stevens) Wiilsiio (Hivberfield) A Sawurts (OiiiTiiwmig) Ptcs' Rogerson (Bab mnin)' Elliot Timperley(Burwood): Rogers (Lnharttn) MoKiiy (Toinoru) G' St Aigis (Ne town) Rvnii(Wellington)' Pte 'E' Hiuldy(Glen Times) Commissioner of ederal Drices: Board to: matters retatirig to the fixingofMioppriceof flour "A suESestlonlwas made for llie a'dpi) tibn the Slate bCqni mbdltiesfCbm pro'cla matibn 6t which mil Is aridf Nortliuniberl arid'': were al: bveryttoo ijrices at' ii specified rate: asked Jbr an in rthe irice: of 'flouriof AO per toW at Armiiiale Glen Jnncs' anil J5? at' Ten tor field bfilburAvas acute in tlibseflistr iirobability was' thci'e wduid offered ifrpin' the "milis Tirey riskbf having nd bi 'Gad' iTlio xCbramissiouCr i'MrN the Jfasi'cr takers' view ofi th? ln tlie prlceqf 3durjbak'eis 'niiglitbAbllowcd 'ldjrbtaih: tlie price 'pfibread'i for tliree vyeelisafteiv the drop? rHe alsbystale'd to breadthattberB'wiisioo''gjedi itarltycbetw eenrthe 'price cbun ier' ai'i'd the price of briwd: uiidi bobltad'rt SYDNEY: rijhiy 'iiiiketl the "Ai inister for 'popf was ivn b'uiilly" uriiik'i'tJie' iiuncl1ihs'''isicjneti the' tiiiniers7nisirii(ive tlio details of' iiin'i'Rineiit: iiindftVkHwn' 4: hfli'diil lib wpiilcl gaslioi) tM that Attpincy Gcnerar iivi lta" libscncG of cilibjl efnicrjiilfclluyjiiijii ixpensceib of Grjfiitli'iirVlhd'i'eec'nt libcrdl" 'inquii 'y iwerb crimient'iwlsbt! where other in A'dry ljefurbAhb' Piih)ie "Servicb Board t'ltb 'prticy bf lw Govern went'liacl been' tb reliise' 'nuy'iipplicytitai lb 'refund: thiit sei'Vii expehses Hall feplied tlmf it'wus not the policy' of "'the tp refuse' tliG'Expense's wrongfully hbcl'nc' tipnjGriflitbsZversus Conihelkicfc 1 and viiny' irfyS'r' tj tp tiie evidence bear oheiintei'pi cititmT siiggostiim that nio tb 'hribo fiiidmbeta 'bf Pm liamcnt wo'iild'lib in: View of Uta net' thiik the iuiiuo and hon'etty' of hapugnod' hy Aneso i stfttcmciitsv'appoirit Commission tasahi'dliisiglyi iitv'estigate the tnith' or fiilsity and' vindicta af 'Piir skid Goy erninOnt'riluid'a tibii 'nfieetthg 'a 'Pnrliajneut slioitlcl tVart' niio iptai frbnrttlin decision yTlicy: Coiiitnissions'nhd: had spent of pounds of pub lie nmifcvupnrisuish vestightibns forward any 1 ibvidcilii normatter of ihoriu tifri hb': windd 'jininedititelv 'have 4h'v est tlniik''inJ'tliik'i'iaisa: tlib iippbiutihent of rtinvlicr 7 B'oviil Coinmission wus' fiod titledtd Ask bbr's th ask for: inquiry when they could give't the'Govcrniiieiiiti "prjiiin 'fyciftviiise iyasi'tv bftheir fit 7 tcrtibir: 'n Tho oi csiry'Bill'? was: passcti ail ''X griiiiteil I'wnovo i tlm' iliRomilifinfitldii" 'if nviihiin: In ingmg hr aSiiiJi to mneiiiltliertiiw: in vegiiiaT Ni'low'll ''Thotaiiotibn oj 'Alr' 0imh inoyefl cxpedii 'fi ti thnt' I ro cnpinictiini'rof ii: thArCordcaux: NawSbuthVale's' iii action' Gunners Hurdles i' "AMifidb'n 'Ukitwibiiii JJAnilieap: Rbiion riHigiAvoiglit i'Hn'tidieiip Gdihediik Clvdeside AIuil7 Medlo yi vParriiiattn Picntvi 'Jfythic'': IjouglireaCorrie i Bilbn llirncej Snow King i Agiu i'cfiL received at nicsasgo lib' oftbottluttj biirgtars were Ij i nm Ho rusbeildowiirtb "enteringtlib rosid ciivo tln oiigli' ljnck cIbor' niid 'pnr'tiiions dr iivliirir yvCrosinasbcd Dyhig i ncnr'tlio dior Uiilnng' out for lli'e girl ir Herd nf ii liurried senrolibver" liu groiind' (loor: of tho pi ni brio' ho" rusliedr upstnirs' 'vliel balcony or: 'LliQ Jiist 'iobi when! his "little gii of i fcriin eiii's ago slertis ririd found' the cliild missing': iud th 'cpb be8pittteied'wiith blnpd Horrified at tlie smltt" lie'1 riishcdPtlmrif" At airsto seciiif' 'lib''t6iil fiiil the1' child aucL thchrdipvered inveptigalJoiis ut ihpi luickof the house 'flaid 'Ml'S' Hord: left 'thih'p were Icfl iii i 'ni'iud child imd Ormond ibril the Lninid wterc "rppinrait'd tliri A or'Jfntir times' lint: tlib' rria'id found' no' Aifniit 9 Islio Ai ouvr nuustao vriq irncK uunr wucn sue by a who rinppe'ilih'islmiid'iurdidr mouth imd 'iif tbr nstruggle 'difi iiig wfliicir she uttered moist rtbrrifyihg in' gngginglier withn Juind Iviv'i'kief' The gii'li with' ''frnii: her? iisstniaut 'mil' t'tii'rtJita: door sli6 hnl iif iivlikn Til nsf riultatl 'hoi' threw a iigh ft from: marks mid ii li'e 'tiii'bw biiwk nlsor: Tins whstat nu nichtd? jOi'ie ibf 'is' Ikidlv hr 'hor of glass: lurdlcs Maiden court AViillaco Isinglass crrinioQ1 uthwait9 'Rbsebin Hiindiicnp: GadiiboutCoat Jin i I tes "Prio: ilohii yO rSiinl)ke i AMERICAN: AMBASSADOR S' An enjoyalto social vll Ln the Tlieutro Royal on Tuesday night' next when tiro proceeds will Im devoted i the Convent and Catlmliu Women's stall nt the fortlK'oining Nioholas Bazaar During the evening progressive eiiuhro will le indulged in ri the Ringo Two prizes will ho dona ted fn ho lucky tiukc holders in the iillrry tviiLnh lbriilA i'porls "rtdr ari'ivalbf L(iiii i ii' Bi which said to ''be Aya itirigtd chTflyihe' Gulf wtck' wore" sighted loir g'ihb 'coast' flyin'g low: bseryjubions rof 'ibbtaarbbt A frcspbn'ddnt suys: The most trying yunii Pozlere's was': did of newlyJei'pt'uredpasLtiofis in' order? to enable 'supplies' to' be taken hcrossi the" heavilybarragbd ground to' ensure a possible" riretmisotretreat TJieenetny wa'8 lubktly driven tho ground enemyobservation is now limited 'ibthorivlse 'If Is idbubtful whetherthe Ahzacs'cbuld retained' their tiwrd 'fw bn" gains Howeverthey succeeded in consoiida ting thapoklHon Zj? Hosiiib seaiAta rirlM) ago bu't ub ciisitiilties'''Dbrd i'NiM iiii fatrv jjten iui'r aiicl 12 'chicli'guili thb Trmitiitb? offensive Te hditer Ttalvis' and? libri'ible: onducit oh tlie" field using explosive bullets: ii'ornspik ed" bludgeons' and killing inion sifted tho cs'(fliiigi 'twib'C iiiitT wdfttterful ronils till of iiiiliicli iireloiding yictoi find boys' road making 'i yfc taS'sihm': don tn destroy capt iuo' ofGbi 'izJii y1? SYDNEY riiiny ty ypofrie RusljuuttoisLbiigfj 1'Hiindiciip Tita' iliniv is 1Qupb'oc pa'red' lb: iii' British' Cbhunbui AVelsli Eistieddfod sniii' iioimrwasno't dead TTcr power was rinbro idoiils'had: not been dominions Wd a' wider iii fltibncb' and: ir dicoper ipiirposby inbr'e' exhnltedj''than ever Austrian 'RodyCrgpsostinintes'tlio 'Austriiih hr offensive 'Julv 7: n' G97171G1''of wliioh i'wobbj Jcillcd niiii' IJdOjOOO missing? The A'listriiift' lbsscsL iniist exceedii mil lion? ''V' 'r 'i: ta's lL refugees: in Switzerland 1 clhi 'triafiiisco iiguin stSgyptlms'bat 'iv aggravated 'the discontent ngiiihst the Young'' in wonicn prominent occur hlinost 'daily at Constantinople It'is rimer ted bills rtrbot(figHtmg took I'jliicb: ihEsson' nftef the police' Itad hitd bi iniorvibw tho: sul'icet of dear food I Genera' Sinuis nspoi'ts: Our troops nr closing in on the Central Railway tlib vicinity of thb' and Avestwhilo tho'ninvril' forces occupy the' iinpnvbjiht': Ariirtown'of Divgeittaio vlTho itaircli pbess Asquith's proposal tliat tW? Allies sfiouuji deroniid repara tion rtor Gennnn bnital will libV1figlit iiigiS) de by siilo with "tlm Allies1 Nn" If 'is reported tlmt tlip BritiBlr Gov ernment 1ms cJrteidod 'ttf prohibit nil tax ports Inwards' Sweden except under the most Ktiriusrcnt license A Berlin says tlm Kaiser Ims left in the direction cf Warmir pu' onth to proclaim Jfuuitiotta of war are rtil! being ex ported in vast ominiitms from 4 JTniU Stalks di ty "'dlmn worth were slii'P''d Irani New Insl wcijk ollthviiig aro the' nominations forWednesday next August 23i'd: Novice Hiindibap 1 mile: Nancv Hnoiijtisplilia BelmontNoreeii Afiigutor Gift'Arioih 'Nligjjer 'Wilful Laddie Mbiia' Maid Jlulga Lad Silver HotMinnie raiizel Aaiiaco Snip Hui Ti'cclricl Tiixey Mary Connollv Remnev Lady 'Chief Pritlo lying 1 iniki Kliip wood Tiny Muon yandess Lucid lien's Pick Victoria BabJ Mooiibj Bessie Moy Pony? Handicap' "Crntikv Mick Nmicj'Huori Dolly Huon SkipperMiilgn 'Liid' Silver Bob' Moonlight yKiiig ef Be light armers and Bandirap 1 inile: Tuxey 'usehia Dolly Htion Belmont 'Don Cayenne Lili JTrixie Epbinlio'otMi 'O lgora Dolly ranzel A'tneco Snip JIuoii Killarii 'Piogi 'iTO H'niile: 'wmd'TiirHiion Mbna Jtaid Vandes Verden (late Kilhirncy II): (''iiiiihwood Viotoriri B0I1 TheSnob? Lady Cliicf RftonliEeie 3fay Tli rtiaudicftps will be' published on Mondayhbsjii: August SI It litis ibbeii rumored that this meet ing y'hasibbeirpostiioned 'which is not cpri bot There arc horses entered iron) all parts of tlie NorUi and 'North n(ot A splendid aoniin O' A' i'SNQ LISTON: riday 1 110 first Sftlo locally of trawled held in the railway? yards lo flay aconsignment of bf ilatheatl gur iifii'd and smoked gurnard was' brought along by a Government' salesman? The sale: commencednt 8 ami' the rtiMio purdwsed jilraialiv thi ouilmnt tub duy 'Th0 said he appreciated Cho wny people imistfeired It was only ri txlib thut tlm country people sliouki nave an opportunity fish Ha said Singleton could' claim a record' VeiUlDg' all other places for the' raplditv the of boxes BOltL A telegram was' receved this afternoon' noni Mr David stead general manager of the Stan? trawlers stating that jlG would arrive at Singleloti on Momlar sit0 for jiitaiiibci Iiow it pita itliht''in right'nud esenpiVi Wsltitfg hiind wiis ent 1 dhieete' '1 ThonppearaneQ the bloodstained is llt' ''rftor 4inr: 1 iliof Wv jiifftiili biiiidi' 'mid tdfiy fl'ti)ecot? lie'Ti'ttereil: the bed I 1 11 'J ilit inabilityof 'i diitd on liis 'roturii riii'iisks ran upstaita for ai'i evolver' Jiiit''avlieiilib the? ft mi' luiiV ileKitinpofi as tliashrieks hnd ii'eigliibqrsfi'oni nil dircc ''A1 haxn of the business vis 1 iv doc Itas lisnpoeni'ed I'siniilin (bonriw 'tw hnpncmbd at the 'nefrirtacri (f Mta McKcnisie aboiifc' a ngo'' 'vlic ei' torcd her" i'diiicr 1)011'0 pp ietrolcd the room Kwn 'phpr were rIpmi inrr tl4 riglltTill th routs to the sho'k1 they dutlv jihwame iitiiirv tfs'iisatiqnkliatten mtfdebyfdur prisbnsrB1 The mefi 'leak th'eiuen attacked him sandrbagged kicked': 'bpBndTjiM tlie lceys? 'They 'donned khaki cloth 'iug'in which' they lutd boeir woi'king and' gotiout of two doors? Th'e mlectrfc nlar jn nt traded the gaoler aud rotifer warders' who re captured the' point of the revolver kT lie his' stateu'ieiit rcgai'ding ilib German tand 'l ittd'h': r'doi repdi'ls'': cuinps says'iSIr 11 lit it tide is eontrii i y' li this sim plest: SOLDIER'S STRANGE DEATH Caught Between Palings for (rial it been phuig hliy' Ricliiird yVestl'Jfaitlin'd to dny reedived 'bflleinl taformatloir of the death 'of ills 'eldest wy tjt uw VJ imra (liito 18th) Battalion jvlio was in nuice jih? Se: gt' lfry'? enlisted 'bn after having Urdr twice rejected and left Sydney on' December 23 'Ho was in Egyptabout thraei'mb'ntlis and reached riince' onMarch 30' He was witliin two days of lils 25tli birthday wlieii lie paid the suprenHu sacrifice 'early edu cationwas nt gst Maitland scholar sill pfor the HshiSchcbl" ITlierc he mab rfculated 'anti decti'd' Entering Uta' legal profession? Je was articled 'to Braffa'nnl of Newcastle Jlnisli?" tngloff witlii A MitasrA' McDonald Mub Moffat Sydney Ie''was' successful In his studies and with disthic Won and wiis snbtaTpt ft' soBeltorof the Sitpreme Coiirt He sub (Rcii also Hilo i Ita ll (III :5 SYDNEY Muy Metropolitan: kandoa? (1145) Gimcrack Knight Wings V'RC Melbourne Cup: 'KrihIoB' (1145) Rosehill Hurdles: 'Riishcutter Higliweiglit Handicap: Sydlaii? Ail '(Engagements: palmitic Loss Acre? ras (in cars 1 wiI Ih fhunpi Ito pri Mhv inn la) ilainl ionj TRYING TO CATCH THE BREMEN Allied Ge nii Ani ehi rd 'JAinerioaii' Aiitaiissaclcr £ENEBAJj (Rbuici'is' TislwgiuiijV': If is understood that' the' majority 01 those whose lieBn keeping their business open? in Townworth til bu' Saturday nights intend from Saturday 'next 20th inst to close tif fl fi LANCE CORPORAL LOWREY Mr'' ilseelyed from the Defence Depart merit stating that "his brother Lance Corporal A Lowrey 8rd Battalion has been wounded': 'i' Wl'ML KNOWN: BOOKMAKER BEAD Mr? Dini Pbulsbni' of (Juiniidi licd Mydnev dur ini the wrek'TUo deceased well and favorably known to rnpI onurse patrons throughout the uortiiern (listrirts reason of his fairness nmi integrity' Some months ago liciin10C with nA accident in Sydney JiuiuR knocked down hr a tram and it Unit imsMsntfrtefl nftcr affrel of hi Tlmpc accident was tho cause of his sudden limes death (Bnisiloff Prepared'''' THE 1 riJMMBIBlMwiiiiin J''1" I I 4 Ifii Iii I 1 IB Il ti In 111 I lite IB lip Mi iii 11 41 3( ih Is iw cst I8SIW Kli I is II Ill III II ill i Is si IP iill Mb HI HWW ite IfS I til Mr? 5 i I th 11 i fis kii iK ai nliisi llg Lu liters 1 Bl 'I flji 5 ft ill Mu I feiysWs ir ''Krle te 13 I Illy Wail 11 51 in Rin 1'Kitotii KrVi iu Kho 1 HE) hill liwi tala I CM 1 Hr 1 Bg Hi UiJI rii I 9 Sla 5 I I'M (lE EV I 7 T' V' 5t la I a 1 1 'i ti'n i illl W'' 5 iiM Ji Wteiltete ft? MB I lli I.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.