The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization and Paratext: Studies in Archaic and Classical Greek Song, Vol. 5 (2024)

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The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization and Paratext: Studies in Archaic and Classical Greek Song, Vol. 5 (1)

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angla [en], .pdf, 🚀/lgli/lgrs/upload/zlib, 3.0MB, 📘 Libro (nefikcio), lgli/The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World Transmi 978-90-04-41451-8.pdf

The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization and Paratext: Studies in Archaic and Classical Greek Song, Vol. 5 🔍

Brill, Mnemosyne bibliotheca classica Batava. Supplementum ; 430.; Studies in archaic and classical Greek song 5., 2020

Currie, Bruno; Rutherford, Ian 🔍


"In The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization and Paratext, a team of international scholars consider the afterlife of early Greek lyric poetry (iambic, elegiac, and melic) up to the 12th century CE, from a variety of intersecting perspectives: reperformance, textualization, the direct and indirect tradition, anthologies, poets' Lives, and the disquisitions of philosophers and scholars. Particular attention is given to the poets Tyrtaeus, Solon, Theognis, Sappho, Alcaeus, Stesichorus, Pindar, and Timotheus. Consideration is given to their reception in authors such as Aristophanes, Herodotus, Plato, Plutarch, Athenaeus, Aelius Aristides, Catullus, Horace, Virgil, Ovid, and Statius, as well as their discussion by Peripatetic scholars, the Hellenistic scholia to Pindar, Horace's commentator Porphyrio, and Eustathius on Pindar"-- &nbsp; Read more...
The reception of Greek lyric poetry in the ancient world : transmission, canonization, and paratext / Bruno Currie and Ian Rutherford --
Part I. Transmission. New philology and the classics : accounting for variation in the textual transmission of Greek lyric poetry / AndreÌ1 Lardinois --
Tyrtaeus the lawgiver : Plutarch and Diodorus Siculus on Tyrtaeus fr. 4 / Eveline van Hilten-Rutten --
Part 2. Canons. On the shaping of the lyric canon in Athens / Gregory Nagy --
Melic poets and melic forms in the comedies of Aristophanes : poetic genres and the creation of a canon / Claude Calame --
Structuring the genre : the fifth- and fourth-century authors on elegy and elegiac poets / Krystyna Bartol --
Part 3. Lyric in the Peripatetics. The Peripatetics and the transmission of lyric / Theodora A. Hadjimichael --
The self-revealing poet : lyric poetry and cultural history in the Peripatetic school / Elsa Bouchard --
Part 4. Early reception. Lyric reception and sophistic literarity in Timotheus' Persae / David Fearn --
"Total reception" : Stesichorus as revenant in Plato's Phaedrus (with a new Stesichorean fragment?) / Andrea Capra --
Indirect tradition on Sappho's kertomia / Maria Kazanskaya --
Part 5. Reception in Roman poetry. Alcaeus' stasiotica : Catullan and Horatian readings / Ewen Bowie --
Pindar, paratexts, and poetry : architectural metaphors in Pindar and Roman poets (Virgil, Horace, Propertius, Ovid, and Statius) / Gregor Bitto --
Part 6. Second Sophistic contexts. Sympotic Sappho? The recontextualization of Sappho's verses in Athenaeus / Stefano Caciagli --
A sophisticated hetaira at table : Athenaeus' Sappho / Renate Schlesier --
Solon and the democratic biographical tradition / Jessica Romney --
Strategies of quoting Solon's poetry in Plutarch's Life of Solon / Jacqueline Klooster --
Playing with Terpander & Co. : Lyric, music, and politics in Aelius Aristides' To the Rhodians: concerning concord / Francesca Modini --
Part 7. Scholarship. Historiography and ancient Pindaric scholarship / Tom Phillips --
Poem-titles in Simonides, Pindar, and Bacchylides --
Ita dictum accipe : Pomponius Porphyrio on early Greek lyric poetry in Horace / Johannes Breuer --
Pindar and his commentator Eustathius of Thessalonica / Arlette Neumann-Hartmann.

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The reception of Greek lyric poetry in the ancient world : transmission, canonization and paratext

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Bruno Currie, Ian Rutherford

Alternativa aŭtoro

Bruno Currie; Ian Rutherford

Alternativa aŭtoro

author unknown;

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Alternativa eldono

Mnemosyne Supplements 430; Studies in archaic and classical Greek song 5., 2020

Alternativa eldono

Historical materialism book series, Leiden Boston, 2019

Alternativa eldono

Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava, Leiden, 2020

Alternativa eldono

Mnemosyne supplements, Leiden ; Boston, 2020

Alternativa eldono

Mnemosyne, Supplements Ser, Boston, 2019

Alternativa priskribo

‎Contents 6
‎Preface 10
‎Note on Abbreviations, Texts, and Translations 11
‎Notes on Contributors 12
‎Chapter 1. The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization, and Paratext (Currie and Rutherford) 16
‎Part 1. Transmission 52
‎Chapter 2. New Philology and the Classics: Accounting for Variation in the Textual Transmission of Greek Lyric and Elegiac Poetry (Lardinois) 54
‎Chapter 3. Tyrtaeus the Lawgiver? Plutarch and Diodorus Siculus on Tyrtaeus fr. 4 (van Hilten-Rutten) 87
‎Part 2. Canons 108
‎Chapter 4. On the Shaping of the Lyric Canon in Athens (Nagy) 110
‎Chapter 5. Melic Poets and Melic Forms in the Comedies of Aristophanes: Poetic Genres and the Creation of a Canon (Calame, Burkowski) 127
‎Chapter 6. Structuring the Genre: The Fifth- and Fourth-Century Authors on Elegy and Elegiac Poets (Bartol) 144
‎Part 3. Lyric in the Peripatetics 164
‎Chapter 7. The Peripatetics and the Transmission of Lyric (Hadjimichael) 166
‎Chapter 8. The Self-Revealing Poet: Lyric Poetry and Cultural History in the Peripatetic School (Bouchard) 197
‎Part 4. Early Reception 218
‎Chapter 9. Lyric Reception and Sophistic Literarity in Timotheus’ Persae (Fearn) 220
‎Chapter 10. “Total Reception”: Stesichorus as Revenant in Plato’s Phaedrus (with a New Stesichorean Fragment?) (Capra) 254
‎Chapter 11. Indirect Tradition on Sappho’s kertomia (Kazanskaya) 272
‎Part 5. Reception in Roman Poetry 292
‎Chapter 12. Alcaeus’ stasiotica: Catullan and Horatian Readings (Bowie) 294
‎Chapter 13. Pindar, Paratexts, and Poetry: Architectural Metaphors in Pindar and Roman Poets (Virgil, Horace, Propertius, Ovid, and Statius) (Bitto) 310
‎Part 6. Second Sophistic Contexts 334
‎Chapter 14. Sympotic Sappho? The Recontextualization of Sappho’s Verses in Athenaeus (Caciagli) 336
‎Chapter 15. A Sophisticated hetaira at Table: Athenaeus’ Sappho (Schlesier) 357
‎Chapter 16. Solon and the Democratic Biographical Tradition (Romney) 388
‎Chapter 17. Strategies of Quoting Solon’s Poetry in Plutarch’s Life of Solon (Klooster) 410
‎Chapter 18. Playing with Terpander & Co.: Lyric, Music, and Politics in Aelius Aristides’ To the Rhodians: Concerning Concord (Modini) 432
‎Part 7. Scholarship 454
‎Chapter 19. Historiography and Ancient Pindaric Scholarship (Phillips) 456
‎Chapter 20. Poem-Titles in Simonides, Pindar, and Bacchylides (Prodi) 476
‎Chapter 21. Ita dictum accipe: Pomponius Porphyrio on Early Greek Lyric Poetry in Horace (Breuer) 531
‎Chapter 22. Pindar and His Commentator Eustathius of Thessalonica (Neumann-Hartmann) 548
‎Index of Passages 568
‎Index of Subjects 583

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upload/cgiym_more/PBooks Collection 2023/Classics Archive/Mnemosyne Supplements/(Mnemosyne Supplements 430) Currie, Bruno_ Rutherford, Ian - The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World_ Transmission, Canonization and Paratext-Brill (2020).pdf

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lgrsnf/The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World Transmi 978-90-04-41451-8.pdf

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The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization and Paratext: Studies in Archaic and Classical Greek Song, Vol. 5 (2024)
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