The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

1 1 0 THE SACRAMENTO BEE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1955 Sacramento, California of 4 0 38 Finance-Business-Markets-Weather Weather UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU Weather April 20, 1955 First figures indicate highest temperature during last 24 hours; second. lowest temperature last night: third. rain or i melted snow during last 24 hours. All data based on observations at 4:30 AM. PST, today.

20 Albuquerque, NM 67 36 Amarillo, Tex. 82 46 Atlanta, Ga. 85 63 ND 54 42 Boise, Idaho 47 40 .10 Boston, Mass. 42 .02 Buffalo, NY 67 40 Calgary, Alb. 21 Chicago, Ill.

50 Cleveland. Ohio 51 Denver, Colo. Detroit, Mich. Duluth. Minn.

40 Edmonton. Alb. 37 1.13 El Paso, Tex. 79 Fort Worth, Tex. Galveston, Tex.

61 Grand Junction, Colo. Havre, Mont. 47 Helena, Mont. 46 00 Jacksonville, Fla 84 58 Kamloops, BC 62 57 39 Kansas City. Mo.

82 .20 Knoxville, Tenn. 85 62 Las Vegas, Nev. 69 Lexington, Ky, 84 56 Medford, Ore. 45 37 Memphis. Tenn.

80 68 Miami, Fla. 80 72 Paul, 64 50 .04 New Orleans, La. 83 68 New York. NY 73 48 North Wash. 45 39 ,45 North Platte, Neh.

78 40 Cklahoma City, Okla. 80 60 Omaha. Neb. 86 44 .03 .03 Philadelphia. Pa.

51 Phoenix, Ariz. 46 Pittsburgh, Pa. 58 Pocatello, Idaho .02 Portland, Ore .24 NC 63 Raleigh, Reno, Nev. 50 36 St. Louis, Mo.

85 63 Salt Lake City. Utah 50 31 San Antonio, Tex. 87 8. Ste. Marie, Mich.

60 41 as Seattle, Wash. 53 39 .07 Sheridan, Wyo. 50 33 .07 Wash. 50 36 Syracuse, Spokane, NY 65 40 .03 Fla. 84 61 Washington.

DO 79 58 Tampa, .02 Winnemucca. Nev. 41 33 Yuma, Ariz. 51 Winnipeg, Man. California Reports Bakersfield 61 66 44 Blue Canyon 31 27 .50 Bishop 68 44 El Centro 75 51 Daggett Eureka 43 2.17 Fairfield 55 45 Fresno 62 41 Los Angeles Airport 63 48 Merced 61 50 Monterey 47 ,01 Mt.

Shasta 1.24 Needles 47 Oakland 46 .12 Palmdale 64 Robles 66 Red Bluff 50 45 .01 Paso Riverside 69 39 Sacramento (City) 56 x46 .15 Sacramento Airport 57 x46 .14 Salinas 62 43 San Diego 64 46 San Francisco Airport 57 48 .01 San Rafael 48 fed Santa Maria 57 38 Stockton 62 47 Thermal 76 49 xTo 8 AM today. two Daily River Reports (7 AM Today) odd First figures indicate flood stage (for leveed streams, danger stage); second, river stage; third, 24 hour change. Shasta Dam (2) 1,026.4 0.2 Hamilton City 148 128.7 1.0 Ord Ferry (1) 68 42.3 Knights Landing 41 18.0 1.5 Fremont Weir (1) 33.8 16.6 Verona (1) 14.2 Orville (1) 10.9 1.7 Upper Narrows Dam (3) 527 527.8 zNicolaus 50 25.7 Folsom Dam (3) 360.4 Sacramento, St. 39 17.0 Sacramento, I St. 29 3.9 0.7 Bensons Ferry 12 2.5 0.9 Vernalis (1) 6.9 Lathrop 17 0.4 0 Yesterday.

zz Day before yesterday. (1) Courtesy State DWR. (2) Courtesy USBR. (3) Courtesy Corps of Engineers. Sacramento Data Rainfall (city office) to date, 8 AM: This season.

14.73; last season, normal, 15.18. Relative humidity (airport) yesterday; 4:30 AM, 93; 10:30 AM, 53; 4:30 PM, 70. Sunrise, 5:23 AM; sunset, 6:47 PM; moonrise, 3:57 AM; moonset, 5:05 PM, Norden, Calif, (6 AM, Today) Temperature, 30 degrees; snowfall during last 24 hours, 3 inches; snow on ground today. 54 inches; snow on ground last year this date, 20 inches. Weather Summary A storm front which moved into Northern California last night has come to a stop today as another storm front approaches from the west.

The first storm front brought moderate to locally heavy precipitation to the extreme northern part of the state last night with several stations north of Shasta Dam reporting amounts between 1.5 and 2.5 inches. Snow fell in the Mt. Shasta-Siskiyou area. as low as 1,200 feet and Mt. Shasta City had accumulated 13 inches of snow on the ground early this morning.

Farther south, stations on western slope of the Sierra and in the coastal range reported about 1 inch of of precipitation, but tapering off sharply south the Yuba River. No rain or snow has been reported from stations south of Highway 50. In Sacramento we have measured an additional .15 inch. bringing the total since Saturday to 1.22 inch. Sprinkles and light rain are continuing to fall over the state from the bay This region and Stockton northward.

rain will intensify during the next 12 hours as the second storm front moves inland. We can expect about .50 of an inch in the valley tonight, about inch in the northern Sierra and about 1.5 inches in the Mt. Shasta-Siskiyou area. This next storm front will shove on southward bringing much needed rain to the San Joaquin Valley and snow to the southern Sierra. However, amounta will be generally less than that recorded over Northern California.

The weather map shows several additional storm fronts moving across the northern Pacific Ocean. We may get a temporary buildup of high barometric pressure about Friday that will bring brief clearing but there are no indications the series of storm fronts will be blocked completely away from Northern and Central California at least for several days. Temperatures will continue below normal but 110 severe cold weather is expected. The forecasts: SACRAMENTO VALLEY FROM MARYSVILLE SOUTH AND THE NORTHERN SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FROM LODI TO MODESTO: Occasional rain today, tonight and tomorrow. Little change in temperature.

High both days near 58. to 60. Low tonight near 45. Southerly wind 15 miles per hour, occasional 25 miles per hour. SIERRA NEVADA REGION FROM SONORA PASS NORTHWARD: Occasional, snow today, tonight and below tomor- 4.000 row, heavy at times, Rain feet.

Little change in temperature. Strong and gusty southwesterly wind. LLOYD H. MAGAR. Meteorologist in Charge.

Today's River Flow Report These figures are furnished by division of water resources of the state department of public works and are gathered at 8 AM dally, River- Location Flow in Second Feet Sacramento near Red Bluff Sacramento near Chico Sacramento at Colusa 6.900 Sacramento at Knights Landing Sacramento near Verona 11.100 Sacramento at Sacramento 10,200 Feather near Orville 4,100 South Fork American at Coloma 900 American at Sacramento 200 San Joaquin near Vernalis 1,400 United States Bureau of Reclamation: Shasta Reservoir a8 reported by, the Storage, 3.443.800 acre feet. Keswick release, 6,500 second feet. Folsom Reservoir as reported by the United States Corps of Engineers: Storage, 191.300 acre feet. Release, 390 second feet. Grain Market State Market News Service- Hay and SAN FRANCISCO -UP- Federal.

grain bulk prices yesterday: No. 2 bright western barley $2.754 2.77½: No. 1 bright western White Mariont $2.77 0 2.80; medium malting type $2.80 2.85: ROod malting, type $2.85 2.90; choice malting $2.85 2.90. No. 2 vellow corn $3.50 3.51; No.

yellow milo $2.871 3.05. California red feed oats 52.80 2.90. Choice alfalfa $34.00 35.00; No. 1 dairy $32.00 34.00; No 2 dairy nomInal. Loans on Real Estate re-finance present loans for purchasing or building your home utter Pavings loan association.

2200 St. GI 3.4675 00 Stock Prices Mark Up 11th Advance By Rader Wingel NEW YORK- The stock market made its 11th straight advance today with the steels making vigorous progress while the aircrafts fell back sharply under concentrated selling. The swings in prices were great and ran from around 5 higher to 4 points lower. Most changes, however, were moderate. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was barely higher with a gain of 10 cents at $166.40.

Both the industrial and railroad components of the average was unchanged while utilities advanced 20 cents. General Telephone was a feature of late trading when directors increased the dividend. Trading in the stock was halted and It reopened on 15,000 shares up closed up and The volume expanded to 3,090.000 shares from 2,700,000 shares yesterday. New York Stocks NEW YORK AP Closing New York stocks: ACF Ind Air Reduct Alaska Jun Alleg Stl Allied Chem Allied Strs Allied Chal Am Airlines Am Bk Note Am Can Am Loco Am Motors Am Pot Ch Am Rad Am Smelt Am Tel Tel Am Tobacco Am Viscose Anacon Cop Armco sti Armour Atchison Atl Refin Avco Mfg Bald Lima Balt Ohio Bendix Av Beth Steel Boeing Airp Borden Borg Warn Briggs Mfg Bullard Burr Add Cal Pack Can Dry Canad Pac Case JI Cater Trac Celanese Ches Ohio Ch SP Chi NW Chrysler Cin Clev El IlL Colg Palm Col. Brd A Col Gas Coml Cred Coml Solv Comw Edis Con Edis Container Cont Can Cont Oil Corn Prod Crane Co Crown Cork Crown Zell Curtiss Wr Doug Pont Aire Du East Air Eastm Kod El Auto Fairb-Morse Flintkote Gen Dynam Gen Elec Gen Foods Gen Mot Gen Tire Goodrich Goorvear Gt No RV Grevhound Gulf Sta Ut Homestake Int Harv Int Nick Int Paper Int Tel Tel Johns Many Jones Kennecott 57 Lehman Cp L-0-F Glass Lib MeN 47 Lockh Airc Loew's Lone St Cem Macy Martin (GU) 33 28 7 McKess 43 40 Monte Ward 80 Nat Bise 34 Nat Cash 43 Nat Dairy 23 Nat Distill 49 Nat Gypsum 47 4 1821 Nat Lead 701 Nat Linen Nat Sup 4: Natomas NY Central No Am Avia Nor Pac Ohio Oil 701 Olin Math 56 Pac C.

El Pac Ltg 40. Pan Am Air 138 Param Pict 41 Parke Dav 64 Penney (JC) 93 45 Pa RR 291 Pepsi Cola 38 Phelps Dodge Philip Mor 37 Phillips Pet 74 Plym Oil 33 Proct Gam Pullman 68 97 Pure Oil 79 Radio Cp 44 50 Rayonier Repubile Stl 85 17 Rexall Drug 83 81 Rey Toh Rheem Mfg 38 69 Richfield Oil 69 RK0 Pict 97 RKO Thea 163 Safeway St Schenley Ind 23 24 Sears Roeb 40 Shell Oil 50 Sinclair Oil 67 1 Socony Vac Sou Cal Edis Sou Pac Sou Ry 92. 41 Sperry 151 Std Brands Std Std Oil Calif 7954 Oil Ind Stand Oil NJ 1163 49 Studeb-Pkrd 13 791 Sunray Oil 23 Texas Co Tide Wat As 28 Trans Air 67 Transamer 41 Twent Fox 27 84 Un Carbide 923 Un Oil Cal 57 Un Pac 174 Unit Air Lin 48 Unit Airc 76 41 United Cp 331 Un Gas Im 373 US Pipe 431 US Rubber 48 US Steel Warn Br Pict 19 West Un Tel 105 Westg Air Brk 27 885. West Elect 77 1 39 Woolworth 491 109 Sh Investment Funds NEW -Yesterday's closing funds: Bid Asked! 1.31 1.44 6.10 6.60 4:26 4.55 8.40 9.18 1.48 1.63 14.26 15.56 12.20 13.26 25.11 27.29 3.96 4.33 4.875 5.375 12.70 13.80| 22.70 24.41 31.00 33.51 20.89 22.58 11.50 12.61 10.18 11.01 15.63 16.91 5.54 6.07 25.72 27.81 29.16 31.53 18.99 20.61 8.91 9.68 19.06 20.71 16.48 17.92 17.22 18.62| 40.50 43.50 13.50 14.76 54.14 54.69 21.84 24.01 11.20 12.27 9.23 10.12 14.40 16.30 2.50 2.74 8.12 8.83 20.49 21.90 18.41 19.68 6.76 7.00 13.59 14.69 3.72 4.07 52.75 55.75 6.43 6.99 9.79 10.72 7.76 8.51 14.49 15.88 24.84 27,15 67.25 72.31 7.21 7.87 9.33 10.22 11.61 12.71 7.70 8.44 9.93 10.88 11,87 13.00 12.30 13.47 8.09 8.87 6.54 7.17 9.85 10.79 9.43 10.33 13.19 14,44 9.30 9.69 10.74 11.73 9.16 10.04 9.78 10.71 3.15 5.66 6.21 11.86 12.99 13.20 14.45 4.03 8,79 9.63 40.36 41.67 16.22 16.72 24.47 24.471 15.83 17.11 2.46 2.69 9.29 10.15 8.69 9,50 16.80 18.16 1.12 1.24 21.57 23.59 21.31 SF Stocks investment AbdnFd AffltdFd AmBsSh AmMtFd AscFdTr AtDyMt AxHtnA do do Stk BirHid BIRgMt. Bd1vTA BosEnd BrStIv BlikEnd CnGnFd CanFnd CapVent CnShTr Chm Fd ColFnd ComwIn CmpBS CompEd Cned Fd CWIDI DVMLE DelwFd DivGrSt DvInvFd DivTrE Div8hrs DreyfFd Eaty End Faltyrd FinIdFd FndMtFd do PE EndInv GsIdFd GenCan GenlvTr GrpScAu do Avia Bldg do CpGr do Chm do CSt do Elect do Foods do FIAd do GnBd do Meh Ist Bd Meh do Mng do Petrol do RRB do RRE do RRS do Steel do Tob do Util Grinds HvdkEd HdsnFd IncrdBs IncIne Inciny InstBkF InstFdR InstGrF Burrghs Corp 29 Calif Pack 37 Can Dry 161 Case, 18 3 Chance Vought Ches Ohio 501 Colum Gas 163 Comwith Ed 40 Cons Chem A 159 Cons Copper 153 Curtis Pub Curtiss-Wrght DiGiorgio 16 Dominguez Oil 511 Eureka Corp 1 Dynamics Gen Elec Gen Motors 98 5 Gen Pub Ry Util 36 Hawaiian Pine Harv Int Kern County McNeill Lockheed Ar March Matson Calcu Nav Merrill Pet Mid So Util 32 5 SAN FRANCISCO 11 Am AM: Airlines Am Radiator 23 Anaconda Cop Anglo Cal Bk 59 Aveo Mfg Corp Bald Lima 19 Bankline Oil Bishop Oil 11 Blair Hold Budd Co 22 Poultry Market Bid Asked InstIncFd 6.85 7.50 InstInsF 1.63 InvCoAm 8.74 9.56 InvTrBs 18.70 20.44 Jhnst Mt: 19.75 20.15 KeyCsB1 26.96 do B2 25.65 27.98 do B3 20.03 21.86 do B4 11.64 12.70 do K1 21.68 do K2 11.76 12.84 do S1 16.34 17.83 do 34 do 83 14.07 15.36 do S4 10.12 11.05 KnekrFd 6.82 7.48 LexTFd 11:74 12.83 LifelsIv 15.00 16.00 LmSyMt 43.61 43.61 MneFdAu 4.81 5.30 do ElcEq do Gnid 4.14 4.56 do Paper 3.94 4.36 do Petrol 5.83 6.42 do Spilv 3.17 3.49 do Steel 6.49 7.14 do Trnsp 3.41 3.76 MnhtBdF 8.44 9.25 MasInT 29.87 32.29 do InGS 27,43 29.65 do Life 36.45 39.41 Mut Inv 9.78 10.73 Mut Shrs 14.61 Mut Trat 13.50 14.67 NaWBIF 18.96 20.51 NatlIny 17.88 19.33 NScSr-B 10.85 11.86 do Bond 7.34 8.02 do PESt 9,40 10.27 do Inc 6.25 6.83 do Specu 4.81 5.26 do Stock 7.88 do NEngFd Grth 21.09 16.82 18.38 NYCpCn 25.47 26.97 8.59 NATS'56 3.59 PacAmin 9.00 do Pf 26.25 27.75 Phila Fd 17.23 18.80 21.18 21.60 PionFd 12.73 13.84 Pr 27.66 28.22 PuritanF 6.64 7.18 Putnam 24.96 26.98 SCan 36.875 38.375 35.64 35.64 do CSt 21.64 21.64 SelAmSh 8.86 9.58 SowInv Shrhidrs 11.79 12.75 SovrInv 11.88 13.01 StatesSI 72.

28 29.80 TelvEIF 11.61 12.65 20.25 21.25 TexasFd 39 8.08 Unit AcE 9.94 10.50 Cont 7.05 7.70 IncE 18.64 20.26 do SelF 9.54 10.43 UnFCan 12.97 14.10 ValLine 7.88 8.61 ValIncF 6.31 6.90 VStrum 12.41 13.52 WallStin 19.82 25.78 28.10 WhithiF 24.29 26.29 23.30/WiscFd 5.51 5.96 AP Stocks to Oil 62 Mon Port Pf Nat Auto Fib Nat Dist NY Cent R.R Niag Mohawk 33 No Am Inv 25 Oceanic Oil Ohio Edison 00 Paauhau Sug 91 Pac Coast Ag do Redeem do 4.50 Pc PL 27 Pac West Oil Palm Sten Oil Pan Am Awy Radio Corp Phillips Pet 00.00 R. Co 4 Repub Steel 861 Foods Safeway Stores 451 San Mauricio Socony- Vac So Pacific Sperry Std Oil Ind Stude Pkrd Sylvania Elec Textron Transam Un Elec of Mo. United Air Utah Idaho Su 1 Westates Pet 1.00 do Pfd West Coast Life West Stores SAN FRANCISCO UP Federal State Market News Service quotations today: Dressed poultry retail prices: BROILERS: to 45 46c. FRYERS: to 43 0 44c. ROASTERS: lbs.

and over, 180 49c. HENS: Light type, all weights, 310. HENS: Heavy type, all weights, 42. OLD ROOSTERS: 21 0 22c. DUCKS: 44 0 46c.

TURKEYS: Young toms, 42 043. SQUABS: $1.15 1.20. RABBITS: 61 65c. Live poultry paying prices: BROILERS: to 30 00 31c. FRYERS: to 4 300 31c.

ROASTERS: Ibe, and over, 36 HENS: Light type, all weights, 100 200 HENS: Heavy type, all weights, 30 31c. OLD ROOSTERS: SQUABS: FRESNO UP San Joaquin Valley poultry market: CHICKENS: He a hens. 4 0 28c; light. hens. 16 fryers, 27 0 TURKEYS: No quotes, Test Jet Crashes, Pilot Parachutes INYOKERN- AP -Air force technicians today probed the wreckage secret, experimental XF104 jet fighter to learn the cause of its crash after test pilot Herman (Fish) Salmon safely bailed out.

Salmon, 41, a noted Lockheed pilot, was spotted on the Mohave Desert after a two hour by military planes yesterday. He was brought to the naval ordinance test station infirmary by helicopter. He was not hurt seriously. The plane, a super fast lightweight aircraft which promises to become one of the country's most deadly fighters, was found in fragments some 50 miles from the point where Salmon was picked up. Known as the Aluminum Sliver or the Gee Whizzer the XF104 is believed to be streamlined with thin, short wings.

Estimates of its top speed vary from 1,000 to 1,500 MPH. Family Sets Rites For Widow Of Baptist Pastor Final rites will be held at 11 AM tomorrow in the East Lawn Cemetery Chapel for Mrs. Mabel B. Mathews, 71, Dr. Charles F.

Mathews, pastor of the First Baptist Church who died in 1932. Burial will be in East Lawn. The family requests remembrances be sent to the Mathews Memorial Scholarship Fund of the First Baptist Church. Mrs. Mathews died Monday in a Hayward rest home following a short illness.

Since last August she had been living in San Leandro. She retired last year after 10 years as a clerk for the state board of equalization. Mrs. Mathews was time active in work of her husband's church. She lived in Sacramento 22 years.

She was the mother of Robert L. of San Lorenzo and Mathews of Mathews, San Francisco and the grandof James and Ronald Mathews. She was born in Prairie du Chien, Wis. United Slates Nonstop NY To SF Flights SAN FRANCISCO-APUnited Air Lines announced nonstop flights from New York to San Francisco will begin on May 6th. United has been flying nonstop to New York from here since June 1, 1954.

Obituaries Frank G. Gianopulos Services have been held for Frank G. Gianopulos, 67, a retired butcher who had lived in Sacramento 51 years. Burial was in the East Lawn Cemetery following the rites in the Greek Orthodox Church. Gianopulos died last Friday in his home at 501 San Miguel Way.

The services were held yesterday. He was the husband of Fannie; father of George Phillip Gregory F. and Olympia A. Gianopulos and Mrs. Christine Alexander and grandfather of Fran Alexander.

Sidney A. Dale Final rites will be held at 1:30 PM Friday in the Andrews Greilich Funeral Home for Sidney A. Dale, 67, a retired Western Pacific Company machinst who resided at 1439 Palo Verde Avenue, Hagginwood. Cremation will follow. Dale, who retired a year ago, passed away Sunday in Glendale on an automobile trip.

A native of Pennsylvania, he had resided in Hagginwood since 1945. Aurora Parada A requiem mass will be said at 9:30 AM Friday in the St. Elizabeths Catholic Church for Mrs. Aurora Parada, 66, a resident of Sacramento 41 years. Burial will be in the St.

Marys Lawn Cemetery. Mrs. Parada, the wife of Anthony died yesterday in her home at 3041 2nd Avenue. She was born in Portugal and was a member of the SPRSI No. 12 and Our Lady of Fatima.

She was the mother of Mrs. Mary Cabelera, Mrs. Olympia Moraes, Mrs. Josephine Trimble, Mrs. Caroline Marsh, Mrs.

Elsie Young, Mrs. Rose Howard, Frank and Caesar Parada, all of Sacramento, Lieutenant Lawrence Parada of the air force, Mrs. Sania Rocha of Stockton, San Joaquin County, Joe Parada of Fresno, Mrs. Irene Biddle of San Francisco and leaves a brother in Portugal, 21 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. 4 Wynnie Floy Linn Last rites will be held at 11 AM Friday for Mrs.

Wynnie Floy Linn, 72, the granddaughter of an early day Sacramento businessman. Burial will be in the Dutch Flat, Placer County, Cemetery. Mrs. Linn died yesterday in her home at 2508 Catalina Drive in the Del Paso Manor district. Her grandfather, Marshall Rose, settled in Sacramento in 1853 from Pennsylvania after a trip around the Horn.

He operated a machine shop and pump making plant on 9th Street between and L. Mrs. Linn was born in mento County south of the city the daughter of Robert A. and Carrie M. Brainard Rose.

She resided in Fair Oaks from 1913 until 1934 and was a past president of the Womens Thursday Club of that community. From 1934 until 1952 she and her husband, John Albert, a retired rancher, resided in Tur. lock, Stanislaus County. She returned to Sacramento in 1952. Surviving also are her sons.

Albert A. of Sacramento and Wesley W. of Stockton, San Joaquin County; grandchildren, Jack Allen Linn and Janet Diana Linn, and a great grandI child, Bobbie Jean Linn. Wife Of Oaklander Dies Mysteriously OAKLAND -AP-Mrs. Billie Eckhardt, 36, a doctor's wife, was found dead early this morning in the rear garden of her East Oakland home under mysterious circ*mstances, The night gown clad body of the mother of two young children was found on a concrete walk 15 feet below the railed porch.

Her husband, George said he found her body sometime after 3 AM when he began a search after discovering, she was missing from Deputy Coroner David E. Hitchco*ck called in the police homicide squad. He said Mrs. Eckhardt's nightgown was dry although it had been raining. Dr.

John Motto of San Leandro, who had been called in by Dr. Eckhardt, said there was no indication of suicide. Vital Statistics BIRTHS Officially Recorded ANDERSON- To Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E.

Anderson of 7337 East Parkway, 1955, a daughter. BARBEAU- -To Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Barbeau, of 1506 Jackson Drive, 10, 1955, a son.

BERNARDY- -To Mr. and Mrs. James N. Bernardy of 4108 40th Avenue, April 7. 1955, a son, BOND To Mr.

and Mrs. Vernon C. Bond of 3919 Freeport Boulevard, April 9, 1955, a son. BRISTOW- -To Mr. and Mrs.

James D. Bristow of 6212 Grattan Way, North Highlands, April 5, 1955. a son. CADWELL To Mr. and Mrs.

Gail A. Cadwell of 2635 Colfax Avenue, North Sacramento, April 10, 1955, a daughter. CAIN- To Mr. and Mrs. William L.

Cain of 1912 El Monte Avenue, North SacApril 8, 1955, a son, CHIARATTI- To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chiaratti of Lincoln, Placer County, April 4, 1955, a son CHINN- To Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chinn of 2020 26th Street, April 3, 1955, a CISNEROS- To Mr.

and Mrs. Jesus Cisneros of 521 9th Street, April 9, son, CRAMER- -To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Cramer of 3916 McKinley Boulevard, April 8, 1955, a son.

CUMMINGS -To Mr. and Mrs. William E. Cummings of 2253 Fair Oaks Boulevard. April 9, 1955, a daughter.

CUNNINGHAM- -To Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cunningham of 1109 Hampton Road, April 8. 1955, a son, DEACON To Mr.

and Mrs. John P. Deacon of 2175 Weller Way, April 1955, a son. DEURLOO -To Mr. and Mrs.

Merle Deurloo of 1217 23rd Street, April 5, 1955. a son. DIXON- To Mr. and Mrs. Delbert H.

Dixon of 5100 38th Avenue, April 1955, a son. EDDLEMAN- To Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Eddleman of 5501 Street, April 4, 1955, a daughter, EDLAND- To Mr.

and Mrs. Carl N. Edland of 315 Calvados Avenue, North Sacramento, April 11, 1955, a daughter. ERNST- TO Mr. and Mrs.

John L. Ernst of 2112 Ethan Way, April 5, 1955, a son. GODBY To Mr. and Mrs. George M.

Godby of 49 Aiken Way, April 5, 1955, a daughter. GRAY TO Mr. and Mrs. Freddy A. Gray ol 1215 Street, April 12, 1955, a son.

GRAY Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Gray of 2521 Greenfield Way, Carmichael, April 11, 1955, a son, GREY -To Mr. and Mrs.

Oliver D. Grey of 5013 62nd Street, April 6, 1955, a son GROESBECK- TO Mr. and Mrs. Harmon J. Groesbeck of 3300 Whitney Avenue, April 9, 1955, a daughter.

GUETLING To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Guetling of 1925 Keith Way, April 10, 1955, a daughter. GWINN-To Mr.

and Mrs. Richard M. 1017 Fernwood Street. West Sacramento. April 6, 1955, a son Harlan of 4701 16th Avenue, April 10, TO Mr.

and Mrs. Richard K. 1955. a son. HESS- -To Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond A. Hess of 3328 Cedar Street, Del Paso Heights, April 11, 1955, a son, HOLMES- To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holmes of 2225 West Capitol Avenue, West Sacramento, April 8.

1955, a son. HUGHES TO Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hughes, of 106 Ruth Court, April 8.

1955. a son. MARRIAGE LICENSES LOTA-PATTERSON Salvatore Lota, 65, and Alice Irene Patterson, 56, Sacramento. HENCKEN Sacramento -Robert Paul Hencken. 28.

of and Mary Alyce Carew. 22. of Carmichael. William Francis Borror. 21.

and Sandra Ann Lanier, 19, both of Davis, Yolo County. RILEY-GARCIA William Warren RIley.25, and Lols Jean Garcia, 23, both of Sacramento. JOHNSON-SCHWAR Robert Henry Johnson, 20. and Elaine Charlotte Schwab. 20, both of Sacramento.

AL Alspaugh. 20. of Roseville. Norman Placer Leroy County, and Lona Joyce Baltus, 16, of Fair Oaks. NODA-KNIGHT Tad Noda, 38.

and Deloris Orvilleana Knight. 20. Escalon. San Joaquin County. BANKS 15.

-In Yuba to City. Homer SutCounty. April 1955. H. Banks.

55, and Jane D. Scarlett, 37, both of Sacramento. RENO MARRIAGE LICENSES PAYNE-SMITH-In Reno, April 17, 1955, to Bobby G. Payne, 24, and Dorothy Faye Smith, 23, both of Sac- ramento. DIVORCE ACTIONS Divorces Sought Canuto against Virginia Quezada, cruelty.

Charles against Nadine Phelps, cruelty. Winifred Doris against Robert Dennis Wachholtz, cruelty. Elizabeth E. against Frederick K. Pratt, crueity.

Martha Jane against Robert Erquhart Stephen, cruelty, Marilyn Jane against Tom Roger Giberson, desertion. Annulment Sought Joyce Lorraine against Gene Langdon Garrett, fraud. Separate Maintenance Sought Mary from Steve Ballis, cruelty. Norma T. from John T.

Boyd, cruelty. Annulments Granted Robert L. from Marion Leora Cox, fraud. La Vern from Katherine Kile, fraud. Sibyl from Leslie 0.

Yarwood, fraud. Nora Sue from George Kenneth Holddefendant's previous marriage undissolved. A. from Veda Gardner Seymour, Louvina from Howard fraud. Schenck, plaintiff's previous marriage undissolved.

Interlocutory Decree Set Aside Caroline from Charles Raymond Marsh. Interlocutory Decrees Louise from Otis George Erich, desertion, Marian H. from Hugh Markley Clark, cruelty, Julia M. from George D. Souza, cruelty, Barbara J.

from Myron J. Calvert, cruelty. Cleora Mae from Donald Dale Miller, cruelty, Alice from David J. Zinniel. cruelty.

John P. from Lavinia Jensen, adultery. Final Decrees Betty from Bailey McDonald, cruelty. Jack H. from Joyce M.

Christensen, cruelty. Frances Rose from Lido Peter Lucchesi, cruelty. Mary Viola from John R. Quistad. cruelty and defendant convicted of a felony, Elsie M.

from Sorin Pedersen, cruelty. DEATHS BENETTINE In Oakland, April 18, 1955. Dante F. Benettini, beloved husband of Mae Benettini of Oakland, loving brother of John Bertagna of Broderick, loving uncle of Mrs. Rose Delva of Sparks, a native of California, aged 51 years.

Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Saturday morning at 11 o'clock from the Cippa Nicoletti funeral home, corner 28th and 0 Streets, Interment St. Mary's Lawn. The rosary will be reFriday evening at 8 o'clock. BRAINERD In this city, April 19, 1955. Thomas E.

Brainerd, beloved John, "brother of Mrs. Marie Murphy, 'David. Kenneth and William Brainerd: a tive of Minnesota, aged 54 years. Friends may call at W. F.

Gormley Sons Chapel, 2015 Capitol Avenue, and are invited to attend funeral Thursday at 8:30 A. M. with requiem masa at Immaculate Conception Church at 9 A. M. Interment St.

Mary's Lawn. Rosary tonight (Wednesday) at 8 P. M. St. Paul and Austin, papers please copy.

BUSCHOW In this city, April 17, 1955. Beverly Buschow, mother of Chester Rouse. Funeral Thursday at St. Mary's private, (George L. Klumpp.

CHAN- In this city, April 15, 1955. Yung Gwo Chan, beloved husband of Jan Kao Chan, loving father of Joseph W. Chan, survived by two grandchildren: a native of China, aged 61 years. A member of Chinese Baptist Church. Friends are invited to nttend the funeral tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock from the first Baptist Church, 24th and Streets.

Interment East Lawn, (George L. Klumpp.) DALE -In Glendale, April 17, 1955. Sidney A. Dale, beloved husband of Marie M. Dale, loving father of Ethan A.

Dale of Carlton, Oregon, also AUr vived by three grandchildren: a native of Pennsylvania, aged 67 years. Friends are welcome at the Mission Chapel of Andrews Greilich and are invited to attend the funeral Friday at 1:30 DEATHS P. under the auspices of the Masonic Fraternity, to be followed by creme ion. DAVIS In San Francisco, April 18, 1955, Deborah Ann Davis, beloved daughter of Ralph and Joan Davis, loving granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Lawrence Weisbrod and Mrs. Katherine Davis of Ohio: a native of Ohio, aged 5 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Thursday) moraing at 9 o'clock from the George L. Klumpp Chapel of Flowers, 808 Street, thence to St. Rose Church, where the Mass of the Angels will be celebrated at 9:30 o'clock, Interment St.

Mary's Lawn. FINLEY- In this city. April 20. 1955, Eldon Finley, dearly beloved husband of Maudie Finley, loving father of June and Gary Finley, son of T. L.

and Katie Finley, survived by five brothers and five sisters; a native of Arkansas, aged 43 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the George Klumpp Chapel of Flowers, 808 0 Street, Interment Saturday Armona, FRATES -In this city, April 18, 1955. Mary Frates, beloved wife of Joseph Frates, loving mother of George Frates, Mrs. Madeline Fothergill and the late J. Walter Frates, sister of Manuel Peters, also survived by five grandchildren and six great grandchildren; a native of Sacramento.

Friends are welcome at W. F. Gormley Sons Chapel, 2015 Capitol Avenue. and are invited to attend funeral Friday at 9:30 A. M.

with requiem mass at the Cathedral at 10 A. M. Interment St. Mary's Lawn. Rosary Thursday at 8 P.

M. GILMORE- Sacramento, April 18, 1955, Alys M. Gilmore, beloved wife of the late Thomas A. Gilmore, aunt of Mrs. Lois Perryman, Mrs.

Paul Swallows, Mrs. Catherine Greggs and Ray, George and Elwin Walker, cousin of Mrs. Lorene Salisbury: a native of Grass Valley, Calif. Friends are welcome at the Mission Chapel of Andrews Greilich, until 1:00 P. Thursday.

and are invited to attend the funeral at the East Lawn Chapel tomorrow (Thursday), at 3:30 P. to be followed by entombment. GUASTALLI--In this city, April 18, 1955, Gildo Guastalli. Broderick, loving brother Guido, of Frank Guastalli of Lorenzo, Carlo and Santina, Guastalli of Italy, loving uncle Mrs. Hilda Doris, Mrs.

Norma Edmonds and Laura Guastalli of this city, cousin of Edward Guastalli of this city; a native of Italy, aged 74 years, 11 months, 14 days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock from the Cippa Nicoletti funeral home, corner 28th and 0 Streets, thence to St. Mary's Church, 58th and Streets, where A requiem mass will be offered for the repose of his soul at 10 o'clock. Entombment St. Mary's Mausoleum.

The rosary will be recited tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. HAMILTON--In Sacramento, April 18. 1955. Maria Hamilton, beloved wife of the late Peter Hamilton, loving mother of Calvin D. Hamilton of Spanish Fork, Utah, Peter, H.

E. and Clifton Hamilton, Mrs. Mildred Sargent, Mrs. Zona Canciamilla, Mrs. Theo.

Scruggs and the late Ezra K. and Salby Hamilton, sister of Floyd. Lynn and Alvin Pendleton of Utah, also survived by 32 grandchildren and 54 great grandchildren a native of Annabella, Utah, aged 83 years and 5 months. Friends are welcome at the Mission Chapel of Andrews Greilich and are invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Thursday), at 1:00 P. M.

tombment Sacramento Memorial Mausoleum. HEAROLD- In Sacramento. April 17th. 1955. Flora Hearold, loving mother of Owen, Verne, Wayne, and Russell Hearold of Sacramento, Mrs.

Faye Shandreau and Mrs. Loretta of Sacramento. A native of Illinois, aged 59 years; Funeral services, tomorrow (Thursday) at 2:30 PM at the McCune Garden Chapel, Vacaville. Interment Vacaville Elmira Cemetery. -Near Perkins, April 17, 1955, William Henry Holden, husband Edna V.

Holden of Perkins, father of WILliam and Janice Holden, son of Wil-1 liam A. and Liza E. Holden of Marysville, brother of Mrs. Goldie Manley of Marysville, Ralph A. Holden of Arizona: a native of Missouri, aged 32 vears.

Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Thursday). at 1:30 P. from the Chapel of Harry A. Nauman Son, 2021 28th Street. Interment VAC Plot.

City Cemetery. Services will be held under the auspices of the Veterans Affiliated Council. JOHNSON In this city, Johnson, April beloved 17, 1955. husHarold Clarence band of Mildred Ruth Johnson. loving father of Creighton D.

Johnson of Sacramento, stepson of Mrs. Bell Johnson of Oakland, brother of Russell Johnson of Great Bend. and Miss Grace Johnson of Sacramento, grandfather of Sandra Lynn and David Duane Johnson: a native of Colorado, aged 55 years, 6 months, 14 days. Friends may call at the Citizens Mortuary Home, 2301 Street, and are invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Thursday) at 1:30 P. M.

in the Lawn Chapel. 43rd and Folsom Boulevard. Entombment East Lawn Mausoleum. KURT7 -In Sacramento, April 19, 1955. Lottie Leo Kurtz.

beloved wife of the late Henry Kurtz: loving sister of Ed Annereau Sacramento and George W. Annereau of Oakland: a native of Pleasant Grove, aged 80 years. Funeral announcement later. Andrews Greilich service. LINN- Del Paso Manor, April 19, 1955.

Wynnie Floy Linn, beloved wife of John Albert Linn, loving mother of Albert A. Linn of Sacramento and Wesley W. Linn of Stockton, grandmother of Jack Allen Linn and Janet Diana Linn, great grandmother of Bobbi Jean Linn: a native of Sacramento, aged 72 vears. Friends are welcome at the Mission Chapel of Andrews Greilich and are invited to attend the funeral Friday at 11 A. M.

Interment Dutch Flat Cemetery, Dutch Flat, Calif. -in Napa, California, April 18. 1955. Pasquale Marietti, beloved son of Paolo and the late Estere Marietti of Italy, loving brother of Arthur and Lawrence Marietti of this city, Louis Marietti of Santa Mrs. Gina Paoli, Mrs.

Rita Giunsfredi, Bruna. Nella and Marino Marietti and the late Duillo and Bruno Marietti all of Italv: a native of Italy, aged 54 years, 12 dava. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 9:30 o'clock from the Cinna. Nicoletti funeral home, corner 28th and Streets. thence to St.

Mary's Church, where a requiem mass will be offered for the repose of his soul at 10 o'clock. Interment St. Mary's Lawn. Private. The rosary will be recited this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock.

MATHEWS -In Hayward. April 18, 1955. Dr. Charles Mathews, loving mothMabel B. Mathews, wife of the late er of Robert L.

Mathews of San Lorenzo and James Richard Mathews of San Francisco, dear grandmother of James and Ronald Mathews; a native of Prairie du Chien. aged 71 vears. Friends are invited to attend the funeral from the East Lawn Chapel Thursday. April 21. at 11:00 A.

M. Inurnment East Lawn. In lieu of flowere, contributions may be made to the Mathews Memorial Scholarship Fund, First Baptist Church of Sacramento. Sorenson Brothers Mortuary of Hayward in charge of arrangements. MURPHY- In this city.

April 20. 1955. Alex D. Murphy, loving husband of Nonie M. Murphy of Michigan Bar.

son of David Murphy of Detroit. brother of Katherine Willcoxkson of Springfield, Illinois; a native of Illinois, aged 49 years. Funeral notice hereafter. Miller Skelton Service. McCAFFERTY--In Sacramento, April 19.

1955. Pearl McCafferty, loving mother of Mrs. Thelma. Gibson of Sacramento, with U. grandmother S.

Army of in Melville E. Gibson France, sister Mrs. Frank Fender of Oklahoma City. Oklahoma: Dr. Vernon Overstreet of Arkansas City, Kansas: Clarence of Watonga, Oklahoma, and John Overstreet of Redding: A native of Louisville, aged 73 years.

Friends are welcome at the Mission Chapel of Andrews Greilich and are invited to attend the funeral Saturday at 11:30 A. M. Entombment East Lawn. McCLUNG In this city, April 19, 1955. Ada F.

McClung. wife of Earl C. McClung. mother of Ardelle Peter of Sacramento and Norman E. McClung of Carmichael.

daughter of Gabriel Robles of Lodi, sister of Hazel Nay and Ted Robles of Fair Oaks, Stella Gardenhire and George Robles of Lodi. Lila Mattox of Stockton and Fred Robles of Merced: a native of Kelsey, El Dorado County. aged 57. years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral from the Chapel of Miller Skelton.

20th and Streets (parking provided), tomorrow (Thursday) at 11 A. M. Cremation private, McCORD In this city April 20th. 1955, Marvin E. McCord, beloved husband of Amandia McCord.

Beloved father of C. B. T. and Ivan McCord, Leona Bogar, Madeline Ketcham, Aurelia Thomas. Bernice Marinovich and Mary Boyer.

Beloved brother of Nora Hammer. A native of Alabama, aged 75 years. Friends are vited Chapel to of attend Miller the funeral from the Skelton, 0th Streets (parking provided) Friday at 11 AM. Interment East Lawn. PARADA- -In this city, April 19, 1955, Aurora Parada, beloved wife of Anthony M.

Parada, loving mother of Mrs. Mary Cabelera. Mrs. Olympia Moraes, Mra. Josephine Trimble, Mrs.

Caroline Marsh, Mrs. Elsie Young. Mrs. Rose Howard, Frank and Caesar Parada of this city, Lt. Lawrence Parada, U.

S. Air Force. Mrs. Sania Stockton, Biddle Joe Parada of Fresno, Mrs. Francisco and the late John Parado, sur.

vived by one brother in Portugal, 21 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren; a native of Bragansa, Portugal aged 66. years. member of P. R. S.

I. No. 12 and Our Lady of Fatima. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Friday morning at 9 o'clock from the George L. Klumpp Chapel of Flowers.

808 0 Street, thence to St. Elizabeths Church where requiem mass will be offered at 9:30 o'clock for the repose of her soul. Interment St. Mary's Lawn. Recitation of the rosary tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock.

TAYLOR In Sacramento, April 18, 1955. Bessie Lee Taylor, beloved mother of Mra. Thelma Talleur of Fallon, Nev. grandmother of William Boak and Betty Ann Hendershot, great grandmother of Milton Boak; a native of Kansas, aged 78 years. Friends are welcome at the Mission Chapel of Andrewa Grellich and are invited to attend at the 3:30 P.

funeral tomorrow (Thurs. day), the auspices of Oak Park Rebekah Lodge No. 381, to be followed by cremation. of of Outer Circle No. 379.

Neighbors Wooderaft, are requested Bessie attend services of our late neighbor, Taylor. ANNA EMERSON, G. N. DEATHS Prices Are Firm On Bay Board SAN FRANCISCO-AP- Prices were mostly firm to a little hgiher in moderately broad early trading on the issues stock exchange today. A total of 71 traded, with 27 up, 24 down and 20 unchanged.

Southern Pacific was up Matson and American Air Lines 1, and North American Investment Most gains were in eastern issues. West Coast Life lost 2 points, Lockheed, Consolidated Chemical and Pacific Western Oil Aggregates General Dynamics and Bankline Oil Kern Transamerica California Packing and several Livestock Quotations States Depart- DENVERCATTLE Salable, 2,200. Few early sales ment of Agriculture: fed steers and heifers grading choice steady; not. opening established slow, other on lower classes grades; unchanged; few loads choice fed steers 23.50 24.25; one load 24.40; few loads and lots high good and choice fed heifers 21.00 22.50. CALVES- Salable, 100.

Not established. HOGS -Salable, 500, Moderately active, generally steady early; lbs. largely 17.50 to 18.25; small latter killers; price for sorted 240 lb. No. choice 190-250 1 and 2 grades; choice sows 340-550 Ibs.

No. 12.50 14.00. Jambs SHEEP opened Salable, barely steady with Slaughter close or fully 50 cents under day lower, Tuesday's best prices; four lb. doubles wooled Colo- good to mostly choice 104-109 21.00: other classes not estabrados lished, CHICAGO AP United States Dairy Association. steady to as 25c lower, sows steady to 50c HOGS--Salable much lower: choice 190-250 lb.

butchers 17.00 260-290 16.25 17.00: 300-400 lb. 15.50 16.25; sows 12.50 15.50. CATTLE -Salable salable cows calves and 300; heifers steady to 25c higher; steers steady 1.00 higher; bulls steady to strong; vealers and stock cattle steady; lb. 29.00 most high choice to low prime steers' 26.50 28.25; good commercial and to choice low steers 20.50 26.00; good grades 17.00 20.00; choice heifers carrying a prime choice grade yearlings end 19.50 23.75 23.50: commercial, to low good grades 24.00; 16.00 19.00: utility and commercial cows 11.50 15.00; canners and cutters 9.50 12.25; utility and commercial bulls 14.75 16.50; good to prime vealers 19.00 26.00; medium and good stock steers 18.00 20.00. SHEEP--Salable 20.50 steady; 22.50; good to prime wooled lambs good to mostly choice shorn lambs 19.50 20.50; cull to good shorn sheep 4.50 6.00.

LOS ANGELES AP Federal Market Service: CATTLE -Salable supply mostly cows and one load mostly choice steers; moderate on other classes; trading fair and largely steady; few loads and odd lots good and low choice fed steers 22.00 23.50; one load choice unsold; commercial steers 17.50 20.00; heifers packages mostly commercial 18.00; few utility down to 15.00: low commercial cows 15.00; bulk utility 11.75@14.00 9,00 top on dairy utility type; and canners commercial bulls 15.50 heavy utility Holstein type 18.00 18.50. CALVES -Salable 200: slow, about steady; good and choice slaughter commercial calves and vealers 18.50 022.00; good 16.00 18.00. HOGS Salable 300: fairly. active, and 2 209 lb. barrows and gilts 19.75; steady to strong; one load choice No.

bulk 190-210 lbs. 19.00 19.50; medium and choice 157-180 lbs. 17.00 17.50: choice No. 2 and 3 295-355 lbs. 16.50: choice 400-465 lb.

sows 13.50 15.00; mediums 300-470 lbs. 13.00. market Salable none; untested. SAN FRANCISCO-UP-Federal-State Market News Service; Today's quotations: CATTLE- Salable 150. Early mostly fed steers, few small shipments other slaughter classes.

Rather slow, slaughter steers not established, few cows about steady. Few cutter and low utility cows 10.50@11.00. CALVES -Salable 25. Early supply mostly slaughter classes, market not established. HOGS- -Salable 250.

Supply mainly butchers. Opening moderately active, sales steady with late Tuesday early, cents higher than early Tuesday, Other classes scarce. Few lots choice 180-240 lb. butchers 19.00. SHEEP.

-Salable 400. Supply slaughter includes few small shipments old crop lambs and slaughter ewes. Opening moderately active, slaughter lambs and ewes about steady. Few lots good old crop slaughter lambs with full wooled utility pelts 16.00 16.50. Few lots cull and fresh shorn slaughter ewes 4.25, few good and choice to 6.00.

-Federal-State Mar- ket News Service: CATTLE -Salable 25; virtually no fresh receipts, most trading cleanup basis on cows, steady, hardly enough action to test market; canner and cutter cows 9.00 12.00; no sales other classes. CALVES Salable none; only odd sales on holdover calves at weaker prices. HOGS- -Salable 150: supply mostly butcher late in arriving: no early sales. SHEEP- -Salable none. Foreign Exchange follow (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents): Canadian dollar in New York open market per cent premium or 101.40⅝ United States cents, unchanged.

EUROPE Great Britain (pound) $2.79 unchanged; Great Britain 30 day futures off of a cent: Great Britain 60 day futures 2.79 up of a cent: Great Britain 90 day futures 2.78 off of cent: Belgium (franc) 1.99 unchanged; France (franc) of a cent. unchanged: Germany (western) (deutsche mark) 23.85, unchanged; Holland (guilder) 26.32 unchanged: Italy (lira) of a cent, unchanged; Portugal (escudo) 3.50, unchanged; Sweden (krona) 19.34. unchanged: Switzerland (franc) (free) 23.33½, up of a cent; Denmark (krone) 14.50, unchanged. LATIN AMERICA- Argentina. (free) 7.24, unchanged: Brazil (free) 1.28, up .01 of cent: Mexico 8.02.

unchanged; Venezuela (bolivar) 30.03. unchanged. FAR EAST- Hong Kong dollar 17.50, unchanged. NEW YORK-AP- -Foreign exchange Butter, Cheese, Eggs SAN FRANCISCO UP Federal State Market News Service- -Dairy quotations today: Wholesale Prices EGGS: Large A medium A 39-391 1 small A BUTTER: Grade AA 93 score grade 92 score 57 grade 90 score 561 1 CHEESE: Grade A loaf 39-42: grade A single daisies 36-37 Prices To Retailers POULTRY PRODUCERS: Large AA 46: large A 44; medium A 41; small A 34. WESTERN DAIRY: Large AA 46; large A 44: medium A 41; small A 34.

The following are yesterday's quotations to the retail trade by the mento plant of Poultry Producers of Central Californin: Large 44c; Medium 41c: Small A. 34c. The following are yesterday's Sacramento Cream quotations: Churning Cream. 62c: undergrade Churning Cream, 60c. Wool Market NEW YORK Wool tops futures and wool wool markets futures were eased higher, today.

according Australian to private advices, Wool futures closed to .6 of a cent lower. May, 145.7b: July, 141.7B; October, 139.7b, and December, 137.7h, Certificated wool spot 148.5n, Wool tops futures closed .2 to of A cent lower. May, 181.6h: July, 177.0b: December. 173.2b, and May, 169.1 Certificated spot wool tops 184.5n, B- -Bid; nominal, PACIFIC GAS and ELECTRIC CO. 163RD CONSECUTIVE QUARTERLY DIVIDEND ON FIRST PREFERRED STOCK Regular quarterly cash dividends declared by the Board of Directors on April 12, 1955, for the three months' period ending April 30, 1955, will be paid upon the outstanding Preferred Stocks of this Company by check on May 16, 1955, to shareholders of record at the close of business on April 25, 1955.

The Transfer Books will not be closed. K. C. CHRISTENSEN, Treasurer San Francisco, California P. Grand New York Stock, Bond Averages By Associated Press STOCKS 30 15 15.

60 Indust. Rails Util. Stks. Wednesday 223.6 137.6 166.4 Previous day 223.6 137.6 72.5 166.3 Week ago 220.8 133.7 71.8 163.7 Month ago 215.5 125.8 70.3 158.4 ear AgO 161.2 84.4 59.1 1 118.8 1955 high. 223.8 137.6 166.4 1955 low 203.1 114.9 67.2 148.8 1954 211.9 123.0 68.3 155.2 1954 low 143.9 77.8 55.4 108.0 BONDS 10 20 10 Util.

10 10 Low, Rails Ind. Yield Wednesday 99.0 98.5 98.1 84.2 104.1 Prev. day 98.9 98.5 98.2 103.8 Week ago 99.0 98.8 06 104.1 Month ago 98.9 98.6 98.4 84.2 104.1 Year ago 98.9 100.2 100.7 83.1 106.6 1955 high 99.6 99.8 100.1 84.7 106.3 1955 low 98.6 98.5 98.0 84.0 103.8 1954 high 100.0 100.4 100.9 85.1 107.1 1954 low 94.2 97.4 96.6 80.6 103.2 .20 Earnings Reported NEW YORK -AP Plymouth Oil Company today reported profits for the first three months of 1955 climbed to $2.204.044, equal 91 cents a common share, from $1,919,626 or 79 cents a share in the first 1954 quarter. Douglas Aircraft Company today announced earnings $7.110,000 for the first quarter of fiscal 1955, ending Febtuary 28th. This compares with 000 in earnings for the first quarter of fiscal 1954.

Current earnings of $1.93 a share compare with $2.41 per share for the first quarter of the previous year. Republic Aviation Corporation reported today for the first quarter ended March Gist net income of $3.861,480, equal to $2.89 a share compared with $924,905, or 69 cents a share in the first period of 1954. Sales of $124,131,152 compared with $44,255,223 a year earlier. United Biscult Company of America for three months ended March 31st: 1955 1954 Net income $767,185 $499,139 A share .68 .40 American Broadcasting-Para mount Theatres, for three months ended March 31st: Net income $1,917,000 $1,039.000 A share .45 .23 American Cyanamid Company for three months ended March 31st: Net income $8,882.210 $7,555,580 A share $1.02 .87 Chance Vought Aircraft, for three months ended March 31st: Net income $701,984 $1,293,000 A share .65 $1.20 Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Company, for three months ended March 31st: Net income $97,997 $76,315 A share .22 .17 Liggett Myers Tobacco Company for three months ended March 31st: Net income $4,910,000 $5,311,000 A share $1.16 $1.26 Lone Star Gas Company for three months, ended March 31st: Net income $9,407,884 $9,001,463 A share $1.67 $1.59 Cerro de Pasco Corporation for 12 months ended December 31st: 1954 1953. Net Income $4,064.112 $1,857,558 A share $2.98 $1.43 Public Service Company of New Mexico for three months ended March 31st: 1955 1954 Net income $375.388 $305,302 A share .21 .19 Rheem Manufacturing Company for three months ended March 31st: Net income $1,426.506 A share .95 $1.05 Number 1,588.200 1.249.308 Standard Products Company for three months ended March 31st: Net income $1,031.636 $263,404 A share $2.82 .73 Alfalfa Hay LOS ANGELES UP Hay market quotations today: Alfalfa: No.

1, $34.00 35.00. No. 2 leafy, $33.00 34.00. No. 2.

green. $32.00 33.00. No. $31.00 32.00. Barley hay nominal.

Oat Hay: Two wire bale. $34.00 36.00. Three wire bale, $39.00 41.00. PRODUCING AREAS--Dealer buying at grower ranches on Monday, prices 18th NEW CROP: SOUTHERN SACRAMENTO VALLEY: US No. 1, US No.

2. leafy. $27.00 28.00. No. $25.00 27.00.

STOCKTON DELTA DISTRICT: US No. $28.00. US No. 2. leafy, $27.00 28.00.

US No. nominal. TRACY-PATTERSON DISTRICT: US No. 1, $29.00. US No.

2 leafy, $28.00 29.00. US No. $26.00 27.00. LOS BANOS-DOS PALOS-FIREBAUGH DISTRICT: US No. 1.

$27.00 28.00. US No. leafy. $26.00 27.00. LOS BANOS DISTRICT: US No.

$26.00 27.00. 2 US No. $25.00 26.00. FRESNO DISTRICT: US No. $24.00 25.00 US No.

leafy, $23.00 24.00. US No. nominal. SOUTHERN SAN $25.00 JOAQUIN 26.00. VALLEY: US No.

US No. 2 leafy, $24.00 25.00. US No. 2, nominal. SF Fruits and Vegetables SAN FRANCISCO UP Federal State Market News Service.

STRAWBERRIES 12 Pt 3.25 Trys 4.00. LuisS Barb-Monterey-S Cruz Co GRAPEFRUIT- -Marsh diss Ariz 3.75 4.00, Coach Vly 80s 5.75 6.00. LEMONS Calif -Tulare Co ctrns 180s 3.50 0 3.75. ORANGES -Navels bxs Tulare Co 6.75. CABBAGE A-Ventura Co round crts 3.25 3.50.

CELERY Ventura- LA Cos crt dz stiks 2.75 3.25. ONIONS 50 lbs Joaq Co yel gibs med 2.50 2.60. PEAS 8 Luis Co 1b 7-10c. POTATOES 100 lbs Russets US1A 2 in min Klamath Dist 5.50 6.00. ASPARAGUS -pyramid urts green 9" cut loose Ige delta dist 4.50 5.00, Contra Costa Co 4.75 CARROTS- Imp Vly icepk 6 dz bnchs 3.75.

LETTUCE- drypk 4 da Ventura Co 4.00 0 4.25. Dow Jones Averages By United Press Thirty industrials 428.62, railroads 161.31, up. 0.13: 6.14, off 0.01, and stocks 0.18. up 0,74: 20 15 utilities 160.83, up Mail Theft Suspect Is Held For Court Donald D. Patterson of 259 Seavey, Circle was federal held to district answer in the court today to charges he embezzled a letter from the mails while working as a letter handler for the Sacramento Postoffice.

United States Commissioner Adellia C. McCabe set bail at $1,000. Postal inspectors told the commissioner Patterson took a letter addressed to the Sacramento County Society for Crippled Children and Adults. Military Engineers Will Hear Cement Man The Sacramento Post of the Military Engineers will meet tomorrow at 6:30 PM in Tiny's Motel with Thomas Mullin of Oakland, chief engineer of the Permanente Cement Company, as the guest speaker. The guests also will include Major Han Hwa Hung and Major Tan Yan Chang, both of the Chinese Nationalist Air Force on Formosa, and Lieutenant Juan Baslis Vives-y-ryes of the Cuban Air Force.

Churchwomen's Unit Sets Banquet The womens Society of Christian Service of St. Marks Methodist Church will hold a mother and daughter banquet Friday at 6:30 PM in the church. Mrs. Frank Beddow is general chairman, Mrs. Ray Brandlein, program chairman; Mrs.

Fred Solem, decoration chairman, and Mrs. Richard Ehlers, ticket chairman. TRUST FUND Sponsored By INSURANCE SECURITIES, INC. Prospectus May Be Obtained At 224 Ochsner Sacramento W. F.

MURDOCK. DIST. MGR. GI 3-8823 RICHTER -In this city, husband April of 19, Gladys 1955, Orrie B. Richter, K.

Richter of Sacramanto, brother of Mrs. Irma M. Widner and Mrs. Ollie M. Ogborn of Sacramento; a native of Illinois, aged 62 years.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral row (Thursday) at 3 P. M. from the chapel of Harry A. Nauman Son, 2021 28th Street. Cremation private.

SADLER-In this city, April 20, 1955, William Sadler, beloved husband of Sarah Sadler, loving father of Gerald and Vernon Stoker and Mrs. Thelma Powers, grandfather of Patricia Golter: a native of New York, aged 65 years, A member of Miscellaneous Employes Union Local 393 Friends are invited to attend the funeral Satur. day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the George Klumpp Chapel of 808 0 Street. Cremation East Lawn. STAGNARO In Placerville, April 18, 1955, John J.

Stagnaro, beloved husband Dorothy J. Stagnaro, loving father of Emil, John and Frank Stagnaro, Robert, Richard and Roger Caetano, son of Amelia Stagnaro, brother of Louis, Eugene. Angelo and Henry Stagnaro; a native of California, aged 50 years. Friends may call at W. F.

Gormley Sons Chapel, 2015 Capitol Avenue, and are invited to attend funeral Thursday at 9:30 A. M. with requiem mass at Immaculate Conception Church at 10 A. M. Interment St, Mary's Lawn.

Rosary tonight (Wednesday) at 8:15 P. M. SCHULTZE- In Sacramento, April 18, 1955. Max F. Schultze, beloved husband of Elsie Schultze, loving father of Vernon Schultze of San Diego, Mrs.

Harriet Purisima of Los Angeles. Robert Schultze Merced and Theodore Schultze of Tripoli, Africa, brother of Mrs. Minnie Anderson of Fallon, and Fred C. R. Schultze of mento; a native of New Salem.

N. aged 66 years Friends are welcome at the Mission Chapel of Andrews Greilich and are invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Thursday), at 10:30 A. M. Interment Masonic Lawn. WOOD -In this city, April 18, 1955, Harry D.

Wood, beloved husband of Nellie M. Wood of Del Paso Heights, loving father of Capt. Richard R. Woods, Air Force Maintenance Group, stationed in England. Also survived by three grandchildren, brother of Mrs.

Stella Bishop and Neil Wood. both of Del Paso Heights; A native of Missouri, aged 71 years. Funeral services will be conducted at Lombards North Sacramento Funeral Home tomorrow (Thursday), April 21st. at 2 P. M.

Interment Grant Memorial Lawn. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of John Mihanovich, our husband and father, who passed away two years ago today. EVA MIHANOVICH STEVE MIHANOVICH FLORISTS NAVLET THE FLORIST 16th St. GI 3-3989 MOREBECK'S FLOWER SHOP 1223 21st St. Dial HU 1-0033 SENATOR FLORISTS GI 3-2547 907 8th GI 3-2548 FLOWER NOOK FLORISTS When Words Fail Flowers Talk 5522 St.

HU 2-0257 EAST LAWN FLORIST Folsom Blvd. at 46th St. HI 5-3035 FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMPSON'S FUNERAL HOME 1411 7th Inexpensive Service. HU 4-2622 N. G.

CULJIS FUNERAL HOME Friendly personal serv. 2231 J. HU 1-2515 DAGGETT FUNERAL HOME Modern. Reasonable Service. GI 2-0755 SIERRA VIEW FUNERAL CHAPEL 2701 No.

Fair Oaks Blvd. IV 9-0271 MORGAN JONES MORTUARY 1200 "Chapel Of GI 3-9292 HARRY A. NAUMAN SON 2021 28th Street Dial HI 6-3827 CIPPA NICOLETTI FUNERAL HOME Corner 28th Sta. Dial HI 6-5478 CITIZENS MORTUARY HOME Robert K. Titus, Funeral Director 2301 Street Dial GI 2-2969 MILLER SKELTON "In Sacramento Since 1869" 1015 20th Street Dial GI 2-3824 GEORGE L.

KLUMPP Chapel of Flowers 808 0 Street Dial GI 3-7917 JAMES R. GARLICK Funeral Director 2001 Street Dial GI 2-3298 ANDREWS GREILICH 2221 28th St. Dial HI 6-3987 CLARK. BOOTH YARDLEY A. M.

HOLMES, President Est. over 100 Yrs. 917 St. GI 3-1731 W. F.

GORMLEY SONS 2015 Capitol Avenue Dial GI 3-6513 MONUMENTS CARLAW BROS. MEMORIALS 10th Sts. Since GI3-4938 LODGE NOTICES ATTEND The Meetings of YOUR LODGE To keep posted on your lodge's activities read this column daily. ADA CHAPTER NO. 301, 0.

E. S. meeting Thursday, April 7th. 8 o'clock, 0.E.8. Temple, 28th and Streets.

MARIE E. GRAHAM. W. RISING STAR Rebekah Lodge No 8. Regular meeting Thursday.

8 P. 100F Temple 9th and K. Visitors welcome, MABEL CONNICK. N. G.

Laura Scheiber, Recording Secretary. TEMPLE CHAPTER NO. 513, 0. S. meets this (Wednesday).

April 6th. at 8 P. Masonia Temple, 12th and Streets. UNION LODGE NO. 58, F.

A. M. Special meeting this (Wednes. day) evening at 7:15 P. M.

ond degree. Dinner 6:30 P. M. RICHARD J. LAWRENCE, Master.

Arnold D. Grob, Secretary. PROVIDENT LODGE NO. 609, F. M.

Special meeting this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Majority degree. Order of Jobs Daughters. CARLYLE F. VAN PATTEN, Master, Herbert V.

Clayton, Secretary. LOST AND FOUND SIAMESE CAT- -Male, Lost Arden Manor area. Reward, Dial IV 7-4190. BLUE PARAKEET Found- -Banded. er Identify and pay for ad.

WA 5-4278. FOUND Parakeet. Banded. Vie. 57th.

14th Ave. Identify, pay ad, HI 6-0312. HORSE Strayed Or Lost 4 Year Old Appaloosa. (vicinity Orangevale). Reward.

YUkon 7-2656. LOST On Stockton Blvd. Small White black fox terrier. Answers to "Butch." HI 6-0846 or HI 5-4150. to POINTER Penny.

Lic. -Liver 1758. White Lost Female, Ang. vic. 39th H.

Reward. HI 5-9237. MAN'S White Gold Rolex Auto. Wrist watch lost April 11th vic. 7th J.

Anniversary gift. Reward. Dial HU 4-5693. INCOME TAX Papers Missing From up Please at Belle Ave. Corral, Fri.

night. return to owner or cafe! Very urgent. Reward. Dial IV 7-1224. LOST white Female Collie.

3 Yrs. Black, tan, white on left side of rose. Seen vic. 32nd Marshall Way, Dial WA 5-8293, co*ckER Spaniel, Red Female. Ans.

To "Lou." Lic. 9839. Rewrd. WA 5-7053. DOBERMAN- Female, 12, Lost Vic, Alhambra X.

Reward. Hi 5-2687. BLUE Banded. HI PARAKEET 5-0604 aft. Lost On Sunday.

6 P.M. Reward, LOST. Fresh Milk Cow. Red Durham with auction ticket No. 197.

Route 1, Box 97. FLORIN, Power Inn Road. COLLIE, Male, Thoroughbred, Sable. Lost vicinity Oak Park. Sadly missed by little boys.

Dial IV 9-0933 or HU 6-7181. Reward. FOUND- -Blond co*cker Female, '53 Li. cense. Identify, Pay for Dial 2-1267.

WA Lost PARAKEET vic. 14th Chartreuse. Band On Leg. Reward. Ave.

Sacto. Bivd. Dial HI 7-8785. MAN'S Byron BILLFOLD, Laredo. Ohio Lost Vic.

Juanita, driv. lic. to Elma Disney. $70 cash. Checks to Elma Reward.

Draeger. Needs desperately, please. Dial IV 9-5574. RED ROWBOAT 7 FL. Lost Feather River, Reward.

Dial Gl 3-4734. Lower Sacto. RAMENTO. 610 Middle WEST SAC Field. SPRINGER 1.

yr. old. SPANIEL Black Lost Vic. Mather Extremely timid. white female, Answers to "Satin." Reward.

Dial HU 6-3638. LOST. Theatre Strayed Or Stolen From Tower Styleline parking lot- One 1950 2 tone let green (1G83806). deluxe Anyone 2 door Chevrotact edge of Sally the Maima above Chevrolet please conhaving HU dson At Gl Ibert 2-7651 6 days P. or M.

1-2882 evenings after GIFTS For Weddings. Birthdays, Showers, Anniversaries. Parties, Etc. tol TUXEDOS Costumes And ccessoried Rented. CaptHU 4-0528.

CORRECT Weinstock-Lubin SOCIAL ENGRAVINGS at 12th WEDDING GIFT WRAP All Kinds Stamp of Bridal Stationery Sleeper 1015 8th Street Stationery Co. Stores. and 2929 tions. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS. specialty.

Also steel Embossing our Informals. graving. Sacramento's and copper plate ensocial Dial GI 3-1301. and oldest finest PROTZMAN'8. 1317 Street Continued on next page.

The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)


What is the Sacramento Bee known for? ›

Founded in 1857, The Sacramento Bee is the flagship newspaper of McClatchy. As the region's leading media company, The Sacramento Bee's print, online, mobile, and direct mail products reach 98% of the Sacramento market.

How old is the Sacramento Bee? ›

Founded in 1857, The Sacramento Bee is the flagship of the 30 daily and almost 50 non-daily newspapers owned by The McClatchy Company.

Does the Sacramento Bee still deliver? ›

Most customers can expect newspaper delivery by 5:30am Monday- Friday and by 6:30am on Saturdays and Sundays.

Where is the Sacramento Bee located? ›

The Sacramento Bee
Front page of The Sacramento Bee, April 29, 2024
TypeDaily newspaper
Founded1857 (as The Daily Bee)
Headquarters1601 Alhambra Boulevard, Suite 100 Sacramento, California 95816 USA
Circulation90,244 Daily 142,589 Sunday (as of 2020)
6 more rows

What is the readership of the Sacramento Bee? ›

It has an average daily readership of 553,192 and a Sunday readership of 666,458.

Does the Sacramento Bee still print newspapers? ›

We want to make our coverage easy to access, whether you prefer to read our journalism on your phone, on your laptop, in The Sacramento Bee app, in the print newspaper or in our digital replica of the paper.

Is the Sacramento Bee a good paper? ›

The Sacramento Bee is a good newspaper - good local, national and international news.

How old is the bee lady? ›

Erika Thompson
Born1986 (age 37–38) Katy, Texas, US
TikTok information
4 more rows

How much is The Sacramento Bee per month? ›

Digital-only subscriptions may automatically renew after the initial term at the ongoing renewal rate of $39.99 per month rate unless you tell us to cancel. Digital subscriptions include, iPad apps, smartphone apps, mobile websites and e-Edition.

What does The Sacramento Bee cover? ›

The Sacramento Bee is the only daily newspaper covering California's capital city. At 161 years old, the news organization is McClatchy's flagship. The newspaper's coverage area extends along the I-80 corridor from Lake Tahoe to the East and up to but not necessarily including the Bay Area.

Does The Sacramento Bee have a Saturday Edition? ›

The Sacramento Bee has launched a new weekend package with expanded newspapers on Fridays and Sundays, and access to the Saturday edition exclusively online in our eEdition.

Who owns the Sacramento Bee newspaper? ›

About us. History Published: Monday, Dec. 04, 2006 Founded in 1857, The Sacramento Bee is the flagship of the 30 daily and almost 50 non-daily newspapers owned by The McClatchy Company.

Where is the bee Girl today? ›

These days Deloach, 34, represents a world-renowned fertility doctor in Orange County, California, while her husband, 35, works as a financial advisor at Northwestern Mutual. “We are overjoyed to finally become husband and wife,” Deloach told PEOPLE. “It's an amazing feeling when you are marrying your best friend.

How do I cancel my Sacramento Bee subscription? ›

Your subscriber benefits will remain available to you until termination takes effect. You can cancel your subscription by calling 916-321-1000 or by visiting .

Why is the bumble bee famous? ›

Bumble bees are important pollinators of wild flowering plants and crops. As generalist foragers, they do not depend on any one flower type. However, some plants do rely on bumble bees to achieve pollination. Loss of bumble bees can have far ranging ecological impacts due to their role as pollinators.

What is the beekeeping capital of the world? ›

And with that, I've finished laying out my case for why Slovenia is the honey bee capital of the world and some ways that Slovenians show their love for honey bees.

What state is known for its bees? ›

North Dakota produced 31,200 pounds of honey in 2022 — nearly three times the amount produced by California. Utah (No. 37) may be The Beehive State, but that nickname is irrelevant when it comes to discussing the state's beekeeping industry.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.